One of the most common questions among people that want to bring a Poodle mix home is How big would Cockapoos get. Along with many other factors, size is of big importance when wanting to get a new dog, because each size comes with differing responsibilities and will have to be cared for differently.
Some people already own a Cockapoo puppy and would like to know how much it will grow, while others have an adult dog and want to know whether its size is normal.
Before talking about sizes, you should know that there are, in fact, four different Cockapoo sizes. These are the teacup, toy, mini, and standard. This article will give you a lot of information on the different sizes of Cockapoos, how big they would grow, the expected weight, and the age when they would actually stop growing.
Teacup Cockapoo Size When Fully Grown
The smallest Cockapoos will be the Teacup breed, but its correct size is still under debate between specialists. I think this is the best place where I should add that Cockapoos, just like other mixed breeds, don’t come with official sizes and breeders can call their litters however they prefer.
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This Teacup breed size of the Cockapoo is usually obtained by mixing a small Toy Cockapoo with a Toy Poodle. This is a better solution than simply breeding a Poodle with a Cocker Spaniel and will feature considerably smaller puppies.
When buying your own teacup dog, whether a Cockapoo or some other mix, you should always do your due diligence on the breeder, because some breeders will choose to prioritize the size over the dog’s expected health, and you’re always interested in getting a healthy dog.
You should expect a Toy Poodle to be close to 10 inches tall, with a weight of under 10 pounds. The Toy Cockapoo, on the other size, would have a size of 10 to 11 inches, and weight of anywhere between 6 and 12 pounds.
How Big Would a Teacup Cockapoo Get?
So how big should you expect your Teacup Cockapoo to get, to consider the growth healthy? This breed of dog shouldn’t be more than 10 inches tall and shouldn’t weigh more than 7 pounds.
Toy Cockapoo Size When Fully Grown
The Toy Cockapoo is just a tad bigger than its cousin, the Teacup Cockapoo, but still considerably smaller than a Mini Cockapoo specimen. You will get this type of dog by mixing a Mini Cockapoo with a Toy Poodle.
The Mini Cockapoo in this combination should be around 12 to 15 inches in size and should weigh between 12 and 25 pounds. On the other hand, the second parent, the Toy Poodle, should only be around 10 inches tall and should only weigh around 10 pounds.
How Big Would a Toy Cockapoo Get?
How big would you expect a Toy Cockapoo to get? When fully grown, a Toy Cockapoo can reach a height of about 11 inches, with an estimated weight of anywhere between 6 and 12 pounds.
The Size of a Mini Cockapoo when Fully Grown
The Mini is one of the most common sizes for the Cockapoo. It will usually result from a mix between the Cocker Spaniel and a Mini Poodle.
The Cocker spaniel parent will usually be 14 to 15 inches tall with a weight of 15 to 30 pounds, while the second parent, the Mini Poodle will be around 15 inches tall, with a weight of 12 to 22 pounds.
How Big Would a Mini Cockapoo Get?
How big should you expect a Cockapoo to get? The Size of the Cockapoo is usually anywhere between 11 and 15 inches in height and around 12 to 25 pounds in weight.
The Size of the Standard Cockapoo When Fully Grown
The Standard Cockapoo is also known as the Maxi, and it is the biggest sub-breed of the Cockapoo breed. It is usually a mix between a Cocker Spaniel and a Standard Poodle.
Usually, the Standard Poodle parent will have a height of anywhere between 18 and 24 inches with a weight of anywhere between 45 and 70 pounds, while the other parent, the Cocker Spaniel, will be anywhere between 13 and 15 inches in height with a weight of around 15 to 30 pounds.
How Big Would a Standard Cockapoo Get?
When getting a Standard Cockapoo pup, how big should you expect it to get? The standard Cockapoo will usually grow to about 16 to 22 inches, reaching a weight of anywhere between 22 and 40 pounds.
Your dog’s size might be off of these numbers, and this will usually vary depending on the sizes of its parents. This can make for some unusual situations where a Standard Cockapoo will be smaller than one from the Mini Cockapoo sub-breed.
Factors That Influence the Height and Weight of a Cockapoo
As you might expect, there are quite a few factors that would have an influence on the size of your Cockapoo dog and its size. The most important thing to note is the actual height and weight of the parents, but the pup’s gender and its generation will also have a strong impact on these numbers.
Even when taking into account all of the predictable factors, genetics, and their unpredictability, make predicting the precise size and weight of your Cockapoo practically impossible. This is why all of the factors laid down in this article are only estimates.
After the size of the pup’s parents, the second most important factor will be related to the individual genetic traits that the dog gets from its parents. This is why some pups from the same kennel might have considerable differences between them in terms of height.
As a general rule, if both of the parents are on the larger half of the size range, the kennel will be comprised of larger puppies as well, while if both parents are of a smaller size, the pups will be smaller as well.
The gender of the puppy is also important when trying to figure out exactly how big your Cockapoo will get. Should you go for a female or a male Cockapoo? When everything else is ignored, male dogs will usually be bigger in weight and size when compared to females. This difference accounts for only about 10% of the total size.
Be aware that in the smaller Teacup Cockapoo size, Toy Cockapoo size, and Mini Cockapoo size, these gender differences in height and weight may not be as noticeable as in the larger, Standard Cockapoo size.
One of the least important factors, but one that could still make a difference, is the generation of your Cockapoo. This term will actually refer to the genetic makeup of the dog and how much it will get from either of its parents, the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle.
This all might sound very complicated, but I can tell you this isn’t the case. Most of the time, the old kennel would give you most of the information you would need about the new one, so ask the owner of the dog’s parents to show you pictures of a past kennel.
Or even simpler, the higher genetic material the dog will get from his larger parent, the bigger it will usually get.
When Would a Cockapoo Stop Growing?
Up to this point of the article, you should have enough information to understand how big do Cockapoos get. But owners would usually also want to know when will their Cockapoo stop growing.
Most Cocker Spaniels will reach their fully grown height when they reach the age of 12 months. In terms of their weight, it will take another 8 months for them to get to their full adult weight.
As for the Cockapoos, their full adult size will be reached around 16 months of age, or, in some cases, a maximum of 24 months. The bigger the Cockapoo sub-breed, the more it will take it to reach its maximum size and weight, so Standard Cockapoos will reach their maximums a lot later than Teacup ones.