Pet Care

The best tips and tricks to take care of your pet

September 28, 2022

Obesity Treatments: Tipping the Scale for Fat Dogs

Is your dog fat or about to become obese? In America, it has been estimated that half of all pets, dogs and cats, are obese. It is a problem that slowly and surely can become lethal for these fur balls that we love. It may seem difficult at first, not […]
September 28, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Seaweed Sheets?

You surely know that seaweed is loaded with all kinds of nutrients, which make it a very healthy ingredient for all humans. You can find Nori, Kelp, and many other types of this ocean delicacy on the market in all kinds of forms. You can safely add any of these […]
September 23, 2022

How To Treat, Identify, and Prevent Worms in Dog Poop

Most pet owners are pretty shocked when they notice worms in their pet’s poop. Tapeworms, whipworms, roundworms, and hookworms, along with other intestinal parasites, are among the most common in dogs. These worms are usually very contagious and are also the root cause of several health issues. As long as […]
September 21, 2022

Why is a Dog Vomiting Yellow Bile and Not Eating

Is your dog vomiting? Well, this isn’t always a reason to worry. Most of the time, a vomiting episode in your dog isn’t such a reason for concern, especially if it doesn’t happen all that frequently. It might just be because he has eaten too much or has some stomach […]
September 21, 2022

Dinosaur Names You Can Use for a Pet

Dinosaur names are very interesting and some of them do really well for some pet types. The lists I’ll be giving you below are of over 100 dinosaur names you can use for your pet, to make it stand out. The rest of the article will also have some tips […]
September 20, 2022

How to Prevent, Recognize, and Treat, Mange in Dogs

Your dog might be suffering from mange if you notice he is scratching all the time and some patches of fur are either missing or thinning. This is actually a skin condition that occurs due to mites of microscopic sizes infesting the skin. THe good news is that this is […]
September 19, 2022

General Information About The Belgian Hare

Origin and history As the name clearly points out, the Belgian giant rabbit is native to Belgium, having as its ancestors the Flander and Patagonian rabbit, imported from Argentina in the 16th century and well known in Belgium and France before disappearing. This breed, created in 1825 in the Gent […]
September 19, 2022

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon? Are There Any Risks?

Watermelon is a refreshing fruit and a perfect summer treat for us humans. But is it safe to feed it to your hamster? Yes, it is! All types of hamsters, including dwarf hamsters and Syrians, can safely have watermelon in their diet, but in moderation. If you want to learn […]