Pet Care

The best tips and tricks to take care of your pet

November 16, 2022

How To Train a Dog with A Clicker?

Were you fascinated by poppers as a child? The clicker is a very similar device. The principle of its operation is the same: If you press the button, you can hear a simple click. In this article, you will find the most important information about the topic “Clicker training dogs”. […]
November 16, 2022

Small Dogs Syndrome – Signs and Recommendations

Small dog syndrome can be associated with spoiled children. When we talk about small dog syndrome, we don’t have to think about a disease because it isn’t. There are just a number of features found in small dogs, such as insufficient or no training, tolerance for certain things that he […]
November 15, 2022

Do Cats Like to be Kissed?

In general, cats do not want to be kissed on the muzzle, on the nose, or in the mustache area. Why doesn’t the cat want to kiss me, why doesn’t the cat kiss, or why isn’t my cat more loving are just a few of the questions that cat owners […]
November 15, 2022

Can Hamsters Eat Honey?

Honey is not only tasty but also a true source of health. People have used honey as a sweetener, but also for its antibacterial and antifungal properties since ancient times. The benefits of honey are due to its content of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and minerals like calcium, iron, sodium […]
November 14, 2022

Cat’s Normal Temperature – What Is Normal and What Isn’t

The body temperature of a mammal is an important indicator of its health. Read this article to learn more about the temperature of your cat. What is the normal temperature in cats? When is it considered a fever and when is it hypothermia? Below you will find out the most […]
November 14, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

Bell pepper, sometimes called sweet pepper, has long been known as a healthy, nutritious food for humans. It is low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a good food product that you can incorporate into your cooked food and salads. But is it good for our […]
November 14, 2022

Constrictors as Pets

Constrictor snakes, members of the taxonomic family Boidae, are a diverse group of snakes. Several varieties are popular as pets and some may be proper for beginner snake owners, but many are not. These snakes share the common trait of getting their prey by suffocation, but there are significant differences […]
November 12, 2022

How To Deal with The Fact That You Had to Euthanize Your Pet

Pets are important members of our families, so it’s no wonder that the pain is often deep when they are euthanized. But sometimes the decision to end the suffering of a pet is left on our shoulders and this can lead to some feelings of guilt. Knowing more about the […]