Pet Care

The best tips and tricks to take care of your pet

May 17, 2022

Seed Ticks on Dogs – How Do You Get Rid of Them?

Infestation of seed ticks in your dog can lead to severe consequences so immediate treatment is a must. This will mostly occur in spring and if identified in time, will usually lead to no long-lasting effects. But what exactly are ticks? TIcks are a kind of parasite called ectoparasites, that […]
May 16, 2022

Are Bananas Good for Hamsters? Why or Why Not?

Yes, bananas are great for all types and species of hamsters. I even saw a Syrian Hamster in my clinic that would actually want to only eat bananas. Bananas are not only tasty treats for hamsters but they are actually packed with positive side effects. They have an abundance of […]
May 12, 2022

What Do Praying Mantises Eat?

Although any man and his dog will have a story about these really popular insects, there are very few people that actually know what Praying Mantises eat. If you’re planning to get one as a pet, then this information will be very important. This article will give you a clearer […]
May 11, 2022

Can Crocodiles Be Tamed? Can They Be Turned Into Obedient Pets?

Crocodiles are usually more aggressive than alligators, but can they actually be tamed to the point of becoming obedient pets?. Attention and common sense should be exercised at all times near and around alligators and crocodiles. So, what is the bigger alligator or crocodile? Crocodiles also tend to be longer […]
May 3, 2022

Dog Not Eating But Drinking Water And Vomiting – Possible Reasons

A dog’s stomach has particular needs and foods it has a hard time digesting. As a dog owner, you will usually get used to whatever your dog wants and likes to eat so when the animal won’t follow the expected patterns it might confuse you. The dog has a very […]
May 2, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Spicy Food? Any Risks or Benefits?

In general, dogs do not like spicy food as humans do; they are not built up to enjoy especially bitter or sour tastes. Spicy foods are bitter and can sometimes be sour, so most chances are that your dog won’t enjoy them. The short answer is no, dogs cannot eat […]
April 30, 2022

Can Dogs Drink Cow’s Milk?

This is the most common question dog owners ask when they want to make sure they are giving their dog a proper and healthy diet. This seems like a simple question, but the answer depends on both the pet and the type of milk you want it to consume. You […]