Pet Care

The best tips and tricks to take care of your pet

October 5, 2022

What Should You Do When Your Dog Ate a Stink Bug?

As you surely know, dogs always try to eat the most surprising things. It’s no wonder that stink bugs will also end up in a dog’s mouth at one point or another. As soon as it gets hotter outside, your yard will get full of life, which of course, will […]
October 5, 2022

Finding the Quick on Black Dog Nails

When grooming your canine friend at home, one of the most difficult tasks you will be faced with is trimming of the black nails. This happens because it isn’t quite that simple to find the quick on black dog nails. This can worry make you worry that the dog will […]
October 4, 2022

How Much Protein Does a Cat Need in its Daily Diet?

Proteins are found in the structure of all living organisms. They are macromolecular organic substances made of amino acid chains. For normal growth and proper tissue function, cats need animal protein. An essential amino acid for cats is taurine, which in nature is sourced from the brains of mice. In […]
October 4, 2022

Smoking Side Effects in Cats and Dogs

Everyone knows the risks faced, both by smokers and the ones who are exposed to cigarette smoke repeatedly. What is not known to everyone is the harmful effect of cigarette smoke on pets who live in a house where there’s regularly smoking. To clarify, passive smoking can be translated in […]
October 3, 2022

All About Cavities in Dogs

Any responsible dog owner knows that the mouth of these animals often smells unpleasant. But few know that this can be a sign of diseases that can be detected early and most importantly, prevented. The specialist veterinarian can tell you what the causes are and what to do to keep […]
October 3, 2022

How to Groom a Toy Poodle Teddy Bear Cut

Dog owners usually know that owning a poodle also means you’ll have a very hard time grooming it. Although they might have a hypoallergenic coat and they don’t even shed that much, they will still need regular trimming and brushing. When getting a poodle, owners will have to go for […]
September 29, 2022

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Sometimes dogs eat grass, which might make you wonder whether this it normal behavior. The dog eats the grass and then vomits it. Yes, it is normal for dogs to eat grass. He doesn’t always do it, only when he feels the need. Some call it a nutritional deficiency. It’s […]
September 29, 2022

Winter Dog Walking Tips

Does your dog love winter or would he prefer the feeling of sitting on the couch under a comfortable blanket? Either way, you should be prepared to protect him when he goes outside. Winter tips are important to keep the pet safe this season. Many dog owners live with the […]