Why Would a Dog Suddenly Try to Pee on You?

Dog Peeing on You

If you’re a long-time dog owner, you might have noticed at some point that your dog is trying to pee on you all of a sudden and you have no idea what is behind this behavior of his. Although most of the time, when a dog starts peeing on an object or an individual, he is either trying to mark his territory or is asserting dominance, there are other issues as well. To stop him from doing it, you will first have to get to the root of the problem.

It might be a way of marking you

As you surely know, dogs are among those creatures that really like to mark their territory. And peeing on things he believes are his is one of the most common ways for the pet to leave a mark. A dog peeing on you might try to tell you that you are part of his territory. Your dog is especially prone to doing this if there are strange people around him or worse, another, unknown dog.

The pet might just look for attention

It does happen from time to time that the dog has a need for attention and would use peeing as a way of making you notice him. While peeing for this reason, your dog will have a more stressed-out attitude, which will be totally different than the common dominance marking. Your dog is most likely to try to get your attention by peeing on you or on your stuff especially if you’ve changed your routine and now you have less time to take care of him than you used to. This lack of attention and time for your pet can be due to any reason, like having a babem working from home, getting a different pet, or having a new life partner.

It might be just because of bad timing

Stressed out Dog PeeingIt might simply happen that your dog pees on you due to you being in the wrong place and at the wrong time. The pet might pee out of excitement when he sees you get back home from work, for example. If he is too excited, he might pee a little while greeting you.

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This isn’t the only case in which you might be in the wrong place at the wrong time. For example, you might be outside and the dog would just want to pee, while you walk by him, causing him to pee on you a little. You might also be at home and simply miss the cue of your dog needing to go outside, so he starts peeing when he can’t hold it in anymore.

What can you do to stop the dog from peeing on you?

If the reason behind your dog peeing on people is related to certain changes to the household, then all you can do usually would be to have patience until the pet gets used to the new situation. If a new person in the house is causing this situation, then have the dog spend time with them as a way of bonding. Have the stranger feed the dog and give him treats. Food always brings people and pets closer.

YOu can also prevent the dog from peeing chaotically if you pay close attention to his needs and take him out for a pee whenever he needs to. If you think you won’t have time to take him for a walk and you already see him sniffing around the house, then try to clap or make other powerful noises to distract him. This is also a great time to use positive reinforcement. To do this, just give him a treat every time he pees in the right place.

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