It’s not normal for a dog to pee irregularly and this might point to a health issue. Although there isn’t an exact number of pees a dog will have to take in a day, not needing to urinate for over 12 hours should be a reason for concern. Below you will find some of the most common reasons for a dog not needing to urinate for a noticeable number of hours.
A urinary condition
Among the most common medical issues causing a dog not to urinate as often as they did are urinary tract infections and urinary stones. Older female dogs, as well as dogs suffering from diabetes, are more prone to developing urinary tract infections. Infections aren’t something you should ignore, as these conditions can easily lead to severe health issues like a ruptured bladder or kidney failure, especially if they are left untreated for longer periods of time.
On the other hand, some breeds of dogs are very prone to developing urinary stones, which are usually found inside the bladder of the pet. Some of the breeds that are more likely to develop urinary stones are Bulldogs, Dalmatians, and Black Russian Terriers. Some breeds like the Miniature Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles, and Cocker Spaniels, also have a higher risk of developing Struvite bladder stones.
Tumors are another medical issue that can affect the bladder itself or other parts of the urinary tract. As you surely know, tumors can be explained as an abnormal growth of tissue, which slowly turns into a mass. Although some tumors are benign and aren’t a reason for concern in themselves, they can still cause blockages and obstructions, which will lead to irregular pees.
Anxiety or stress
When dogs feel nervous or stressed out they might also find it hard to urinate as often as they used to. For example, your dog could simply pee less when he is stressed due to moving into a new environment. This is also the case when your dog has to spend time close to strangers or unfamiliar pets. This also happens to people that suffer from stress-related issues.
Dogs, just like people, can suffer from something called shy bladder syndrome, which makes it very hard for them to pee when someone is close or watching. If this is the case, the solution is very simple: just take the dog out for a pee in an area where there are no people or other pets.
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If a dog refuses to pee for more than 12 hours it can also mean that he is dehydrated. This one is easy to check: just make sure that the dog always has clean fresh drinking water around. From time to time you might have to replace the water in the bowl even though it is fresh if it’s very hot outside or if the dog has managed to get it dirty with food or other things. The bowl itself might also be dirty enough to stop the dog from drinking water out of it, so make sure you also clean the bowl from time to time.
If your dog isn’t much o a water drinker, you can supplement this with treats containing a lot of water. One example is the watermelon, known to be made of 92% water, which, when given in moderation, can be a great treat for your dog.
Can anything bad happen if the dog doesn’t pee for too long?
If holding their pee for too long, dogs can develop some very serious health issues, just like people. They could either get urinary stones or end up with UTIs or other similar issues. At the same time, there is also a concern that elements from urine are carcinogens, predisposing your dog to some types of urinary cancer. This is why you should make sure that your dog gets enough walks to pee as much as he needs to.
How Often Should You Take Your Dog Out to Pee?
If possible, your dog should get at least three to four pee walks throughout the day. There are a few factors that will influence the frequency of urination in dogs, like the dog’s size, general health, and gender. For example, bigger dogs will urinate fewer times than smaller ones, being able to keep bigger amounts of pee in their bladder.