Have you noticed that your cat is lately walking low to the ground and meowing? For male cats, walking low to the ground and meowing might mean that they are under duress, while for females, this behavior indicates that the animal is in heat. As soon as you notice this about your cat, the best idea would be to talk to a vet, to get a better understanding of what’s going on with the animal.
Most of the time this is nothing to worry about, especially for female cats, that might react like this simply because of biological stimuli. Females will use this type of movement when seeking mates while in heat.
Some other signs that might point to a cat being in heat are:
- Extra affection
- Excessive grooming
- Being restless
If you notice some or all of the signs while the cat is also walking low and meowing, then the best thing you could do is to simply let the cat continue its weird behavior. It is considered normal and shouldn’t worry you at all.
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If you have a male cat behaving like this then things might be a little more complicated. It might even point to a psychological issue.
In the next part of the article, you will find out what you have to do to properly deal with your cat walking low to the ground and meowing. This is especially important for you if you have a male cat and you want to make sure that it isn’t in continued distress.
What To Do When a Cat Is Walking Low to the Ground and Meowing
1. Keep Your Calm Around the Cat
This is one of the most important things you can actually do for your cat.
Being agitated, making loud noises, getting angry, or bringing a lot of people into your house while your cat is going through a rough patch will be very bad for its mental health and might only make things worse.
Keeping things as stable and as calm as possible is a great way to calm a human, but it also works with stressed-out pets. Some stability in its life might give it a feeling of comfort and protection, helping it relax and cool off.
An abrupt increase in new sights and scents around your cat will surely make it panic and hide or run away.
2. Increase Playtime with the Cat
If your cat seems stressed or agitated and you think this is causing her to walk low to the ground, then you can try to help it relax and forget about whatever is bothering it, and this can easily be done in a few ways.
One great way is to simply play more with your cat throughout the day.
This means that if you usually spend around one hour playing with your pet, you should increase the amount of playtime to 90 minutes or even two hours if your time permits. This additional playtime will both relax the cat and help it forget about the stressful factors in its life, and get it so tired that it would sleep better at night.
3. Have a vet consult your cat
Did you get a chance to take your cat to a vet to find out the exact cause of the weird walk?
Depending on your cat’s characteristics and its daily activities, your vet will have it a lot easier than you to figure out what to do to make its life easier when it is walking low to the ground and meowing. This will be the perfect way in which you can make your cat’s life easier while also having no doubts regarding any hidden health issues.
Staying in the dark about something that could be a complex health problem for your cat is never a good thing to do. You will want to know exactly what is your next step to improve your cat’s life and this will almost always start with talking to an experienced vet.
A vet will be the perfect individual to tell you whether the weird walk is due to some treatable issues. As you know, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
After you have managed to rule out any serious health issues with the help of your pet, you are ready to look for other causes and solutions, even if that would mean just some catnip to relax the pet.
4. Catnip can be used as a stress reliever
If you notice that your cat is walking low on the ground and meowing, it might be a good idea for you to try to reduce its stress levels.
It usually comes down to your preferred way of doing this, but using catnip would usually be the easiest way of helping your cat overcome its stressing factors and become more relaxed.
It won’t take much after you’ve given it catnip, that the cat starts to relax and stop any weird behavior.
Stressed cats are also agitated to the point of getting themselves hurt, so this would be a great way of not only helping them relax but also keeping them safe.
This plant comes with benefits like:
- It’s easy to use
- It will help the cat feel a little better
- It will almost immediately calm the animal
There are both short-term and long-term issues you need to consider when dealing with a cat that is walking low to the ground and meowing. Although finding solutions that will fix the problem in the long run and completely removing any distress-causing factor from your pet’s life is very important, a short-term solution that will help it stop being overly agitated is also needed, and this is where catnip comes into play.
The catnip will actually bring a feeling of joy to the cat, one much needed if its stress levels are very high.
To prevent any issues with unwanted ingredients or poisonous substances, you should always try to make sure you are only giving your cat organic catnip of high quality.
Final Words
The first thing to do when you notice your cat is walking low to the ground and meowing is to find out exactly what is causing it to do this.
It would be easier for you to find out what is causing this by talking to a vet. They can tell you exactly if the problem is related to the cat’s health or is a normal, behavior due to biological needs. After finding out what is causing your cat to act in a strange way you will either have to treat its medical issues or simply help it relax until this behavior goes away.