Information On the Really Rare Weimaraner-Lab Mix – The Labmaraner

Labmaraner Mix Info

The Labmaraner is a combination of the Weimaraner and the Labrador. This is a very powerful dog that will stick in your mind. This article will give you all the information you will need to know if this dog mix is a good match for you or not.

Labmaraner Fast Facts

  • Other Names – Weimador, Labraraner
  • Registries – Designer Dogs Kennel Club, Designer Breed Registry, American Canine Hybrid Club, International Designer Canine Registry
  • Availability – Difficult to find, rare
  • Suitability – Active Families
  • Energy Level – High

The Labmaraner was made by mixing two of the most active and energetic breeds of dogs, the Labrador and the Weimaraner. The resulting specimen will be a beautiful dog with an almost regal look. This pet will have some personality issues like separation anxiety or stubbornness, but due to the love and loyalty it comes with, all of these will be forgiven and forgotten. This is one of the dogs that can get along with other animals and pets, and will even be friendly to friends and neighbors of the owner, which means that it will be a great family dog. It can be used as an amazing watchdog as well. This is a dog that can bring happiness and life to a whole room almost instantly, with its positivity and enthusiasm. Overall, the Labmaraner is really fun to play with and keep around you.

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So let’s get into more detail about this breed mix and its characteristics.

The Dog’s Looks

The labmaraner has expressive eyes, a glossy coat, very long legs, and a strong and muscular body, features that will surely make it stand out. Its long ears can reach its cheeks. Its eyes will have an either amber or gray shade. The nose will be gray as well and the muzzle will be long. It got the webbed feed from the Lab parent. Expect it to have a sleek body. When it reaches adulthood it will weigh anywhere between 50 and 95 pounds and will reach a height of anywhere between 22 and 27 inches.

It has a single-layered, hard, short, and glossy coat. Some specimens with long coats will be found but these are really rare. They will have a solid color coat either gray, yellow, brick, brown, or black. The gray color is the most common and its shade will be anywhere from shiny to dull. The layer won’t be a lot of help in keeping the dog warm because it is made of a single layer. This means that you shouldn’t keep the dog outside if you live in colder areas.

Its Behavioral Traits

Expect it to be a very generic dog. It will also be very loving, loyal, gentle, and especially friendly. One of the great things about the Labmaraner dog is that it can get really attached to its owner. It will develop a strong bond with the entire family. This is a type of dog that is in no way aggressive, making it great around children and an amazing family dog. Even though it will have no intention of hurting anyone, you should keep an eye on the dog when it is playing with small children because it might jump on them and knock them down by accident.

Any unknown activity around it will make it bark to alert the owners, which is why the pet is great as a watchdog. The only downside is that due to its very friendly nature, its guarding skills will stop at barking. It is a very sensitive soul and if you leave it alone for too long, it can develop separation anxiety. You can avoid this issue in part if you train the dog to be independent from its pup age. As with any other dog, early socialization and obedience classes will do wonders. Don’t be afraid to take it to dog parks and puppy kindergarten to have it mingle with other dogs and people. Its sunny and lively personality makes this an amazing dog to keep around the house.

How to Train It

The Labmaraner is one of the easier dogs to train because it is very intelligent. This is why first-time owners should opt for this type of dog. As with most intelligent dogs, it is prone to stubbornness, which is why you should try to stay consistent and firm while training it and later on while giving it any commands. This is a dog that won’t react great to yelling. It will react even worse to hitting as a form of training. The best approach would be a firm, yet gentle training type.

This is a breed that can become a little too assertive and headstrong, which is why, if you don’t know how to properly train it, get help from a professional trainer. As long as you keep the training classes entertaining and positive, the dog will react positively to them. The Labmaraner really likes food, which means that one of the easiest ways to make it follow your commands is by using a treat system.

Exercise Needs

Labmaraner BlackIts activity needs are very high, especially considering its parents, the Weimaraner and the Labrador, two very generic breeds. Even so, don’t expect it to be a hyper dog. Instead, it will be rambunctious and boisterous. It will be suitable for more active families because it will need a considerable dose of exercise each day. Most of the time, just walking this dog two times per day won’t be enough, and you will also have to add some exercise and running sessions in between. This dog type is the perfect companion for climbing or jogging if you’re into either of those.

It will like to run, retrieve things and sniff around, which puts this dog in the sporting category. The downside to this is that it might also decide to run away after a scent or a moving animal, just like the bloodhound or the beagle will. This dog will have a hard time staying separated from its family and is usually a well-behaved, calm dog. It is best kept in a yard. If you keep it inside a house, then make sure you give it a place to burn its energy, like a dog beach or a dog park. You will have problems with this type of dog if it gets bored. It will get restless and agitated, causing it to jump and run around the house, causing all kinds of problems. The best thing you can do is give the dog a way in which it can consume all of the energy.

Grooming Frequency

This dog won’t shed a lot due to its smooth and short coat. This means that it won’t need a lot of professional grooming. Just the weekly brushing and bathing when needed should be enough. If your dog needs cleaning but isn’t all that dirty, you can also use a dry shampoo for dogs. Keep in mind that the thin coat won’t be of much protection for the skin, so you should avoid washing the dog with harsh shampoos with strong chemicals in them. Go for milder shampoos made especially for dogs instead.


Like most big dogs, the Labmaraner can inherit hid dysplasia from its parents, although there aren’t other health issues you should worry about. It is generally one of the only issues you should look out for in this breed. When it doesn’t get enough exercise and eats poorly, this dog can also develop obesity. Its expected lifespan will be of 10 to 15 years.

Space Considerations

Don’t forget that this dog will like to move a lot, which means it will be happier in a bigger space that enables it to run. A yard will work best, but if you don’t have one, you should at least have a medium to large house.

The Labmaraner mix is very energetic. It is a great pet companion that will like to run and play with you and will get along great with your whole family.

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