What Is an Apple Head Chihuahua?
The apple head variety of Chihuahuas deserves a special spot inside this breed’s specimens. If you’re wondering why, it is because the Apple Head Chihuahua is basically the breed’s par excellence. Or better explained, because it conforms almost perfectly to the standards of the breed, it reflects what people, and especially professional breeders, expect to see when talking about a “Chihuahua” dog.
The apple head characteristic is actually expected of the breed and will be pretty easy to distinguish. In fact, purebred Chihuahua dogs are expected to have a well-rounded apple dome, skull, without a molera, according to the standards set forth by the AKC.
As for the molera, this is the sunken area found on the top of the head of a dog, a feature that usually appears at birth. This molera is very much similar to the human baby’s soft spot or fontanelle. This area looks sunken and will make the head of the Chihuahua get a shape similar to the top of cooking apples. What also makes the head of this dog look just like a fruit is the fact that the dome from the skull will be much broader than the dog’s jaw.
When looking at the profile of a Chihuahua, you should notice that the head of this breed of dog is having a distinctive stop almost at 90 degrees, according to the experts of The Chihuahua Club of America. This stop term is actually used to talk about the angle that will go from the muzzle to the forehead, which is a feature considerably clearer in some breeds than in others.
How Much Does an Apple Head Chihuahua Cost?
If you really want to get a dog from this breed, then you might be interested in the actual cost of an Apple Head Chihuahua pup. A Chihuahua pup won’t usually be priced higher simply for being an Apple Head, especially when sold by an ethical and reputable breeder, because these dogs are basically the standard of the Chihuahua breed.
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This isn’t the case for unethical breeders, who would easily inflate prices with the sole reason that the dog is an apple head, making the buyers believe that these specimens are somewhat special and rare. Keep in mind that these dogs are nothing special and are just kept under the breed’s standards.
But what is the actual cost a future owner should prepare for? You will find most dogs priced somewhere between $350 and $900. The price can actually go over the $1,500 mark when it comes to dogs with champ titles or championship lineages.
It should be an immediate red flag for you if you find breeders selling dogs are premium prices without having a really good reason behind the price proven by actual documentation of the lineage. It’s one of the clear signs that you’re actually talking to an unethical breeder.
Differences Between the Apple Head and the Deer Head Chihuahuas
SO we can agree that the apple head Chihuahua got his name from the fact that its head is right within the breed’s standard. But what are the other Chihuahua dogs with differently shaped heads called? For one, there is the deer head Chihuahua. The name comes from the fact that they have a fawn coat which is very similar to that of a deer.
The shape of the head
The Deer Head Chihuahua will have a different type of muzzle, narrower and a little longer than the one of the apple head. When you look at the head of the deer head Chihuahua, you will notice that the slope is more visible than the 90-degree one of the apple head.
Size and Weight
There are also some other differences, like a difference in appearance and general size. A deer head will usually have longer legs, while the apple head’s legs will be shorter, which will make its body look shorter. The deer head will usually weigh slightly more than the apple head.
The dome-shaped, less developed head of the deer head has a lot of perks, even though it isn’t right inside the breed standard. For example, these types of Chihuahuas are known to have fewer problems with their breathing, as well as dental issues. They will also go through easier deliveries when giving birth, because the deer head Chihuahuas have a smaller skull, making it easier to go through the birth canal.
The Deer head Chihuahua was actually very common in the 1960s, with its wider set eyes, larger ears, and longer muzzles. This all came to an abrupt end when the Chihuahua Club of America made a list of expected traits considered appealing for the breed. Among these traits, the most common are larger eyes, smaller ears, and a rounded head. What you should understand is that the deer head is just as much of a Chihuahua as any other specimen, even if it doesn’t conform to the standards of the breed to a T.
They might have a problem winning any dog shows, but they are great pets with very lovable characters. There are even some people who believe that the deer head Chihuahua is more good-looking. For example, the popular Taco Bell mascot called Gidget was actually a deer head Chihuahua and a very lovely one I should add. In the end, Chihuahuas can be great pets, regardless of what their head looks like.
Questions & Answers
Question: Is there any way of knowing the type of Chihuahua I have
Answer: The easiest way is to just look at the pet’s head from one side. If it has a 90-degree angle at the top, then you’re more likely to have an apple-head Chihuahua. The dog is a deer head only if this slope is bigger.
Question: What is the expected lifespan of Chihuahuas?
Answer: Chihuahuas will generally have a longer lifespan than dogs of medium to large sizes. This is linked to the fact that they are smaller. If healthy, the usual Chihuahua will live to an age of around 16 years, even though there have been instances where these dogs easily reached 20 years of age.