What you should and shouldn’t feed your pets

April 26, 2022

Can Dogs eat Alfredo Sauce? What Are The Risks?

You have surely heard of Alfredo sauce, the popular white source used for pasta and a lot of other related dishes all around the world. This very creamy sauce is made with butter, cheese, and heavy cream and is usually used in traditional pasta recipes. It will usually improve your […]
April 23, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Nutella? Any Benefits or Risks?

There are many foods commonly consumed around the house that are actually toxic to dogs, such as dried fruits, grapes, onions, and alcohol. It is very rare for any of these foods to be given to pets with the intention of harming them or making them sick. Most often, dogs […]
April 22, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Basil? Any Benefits or Risks?

Basil, also called Ocimum basilicum, belongs to the Labiatae or Lamiaceae family, along with sage, mint, and deadnettle. This is a very popular herb used in many recipes, with an amazing aroma and flavor. The sweet basil cultivars have a particularly attractive flavor. This plant family is a big one, […]
April 22, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Figs and Fig Newtons?

Figs are known to provide quite a few health benefits. We know that they are great for humans, but should you let the dog eat figs? Are the bark, stems, or leaves of this plant safe for a dog or should they be avoided? The fig is the plant or […]
April 19, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Lemongrass? Is It Safe for Them?

Lemongrass belongs to the genus called Cymbopogon, which contains several other plant species and belongs to the Poaceae family. The plant is native to Australia, Asia, and Africa. It is also known under other names like Malabar grass, cochin, fever, citronella, barbed wire, silky heads, or oily heads and it […]
April 19, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Squash?

If you are like most people, you undoubtedly like to eat spaghetti squash, even though it may not be the sweetest fruit on earth. This fruit is a favorite for many of us, mainly for the countless health benefits. But can dogs eat spaghetti squash? Yes, it is perfectly safe […]
April 18, 2022

Can Cats Eat Cinnamon? Any Risks or Benefits?

You surely know Cinnamon, the well-known spice which comes from the inner bark of a few tree species that belong to the Cinnamomum tree, from the Lauraceae family. It has a hot or pungent, somewhat sweet aromatic flavor. These barks will roll or curl as soon as they are harvested, […]