Some wild animals you wouldn’t necessarily like as pets

May 2, 2022

Why Are Kangaroos So Buff? Kangaroos and Their Muscles

Kangaroos are amazing creatures. They have a fourth toe that is really helpful when hopping over long distances. They are also marsupials, which means that they have a pouch on their abdomen that they can use to carry their young. The thick fur on a kangaroo’s body helps the animal […]
May 2, 2022

Why Do Lions Roar? Some Interesting Information

The roaring of the male lion is something most people know and are impressed by. It signifies strength and might and this is why it is heavily depicted in movies, paintings, and a lot of other art forms for that matter. You might like how this animal and its roar […]
April 25, 2022

Man Vs Kangaroo – Who Would Win?

Kangaroos are the most well-known and loved animals in Australia in my opinion. I might even go as far as to say that they are among the most popular creatures in the world. Their very unique way of fighting, kicking and even punching makes them very interesting and some people […]
April 25, 2022

Do Armadillos Lay Eggs? Important Info

Armadillos are mammals that have lived through prehistoric times and have somehow reached the present times. These are animals that are considered living fossils, a look into the planet’s past. They have a popular shell that serves them as protective armor. This species features not only some very efficient adaptation […]
April 24, 2022

Can Squirrels Survive Any Fall? Even Terminal Velocity?

When it comes to heights, you must agree that squirrels are champions among mammals. You surely know those viral videos of squirrels that jump into what it seems like too high up to be ok, like a tall tree or a building, only to land as if nothing happened and […]
April 7, 2022

Otter vs Beaver – Any Differences?

If you’ve ever been confused about whether you’re looking at a Beaver or an Otter, you should know that you’re not the only one. Both the otter and the beaver share the same habitat and at a first look will be almost identical. This is why most people will usually […]
April 4, 2022

Does a Possum Have a Pouch?

You can’t say you’ve never seen a possum somewhere around you if you’re from the US. These are marsupials that can be seen mostly in America, where they prefer areas that are marshy, swampy, and wet. The name of the marsupial family comes from the pouch that can be seen […]
April 3, 2022

Can Ferrets Eat Bacon? Any Risks or Benefits?

Ferrets will usually eat any type of meat, regardless of how it is obtained, processed, cooked, or stored, but this doesn’t mean that any meat they eat will have the same beneficial effects on their bodies. This article will give you a pretty good idea of whether ferrets can and […]