Common Pets

April 22, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Figs and Fig Newtons?

Figs are known to provide quite a few health benefits. We know that they are great for humans, but should you let the dog eat figs? Are the bark, stems, or leaves of this plant safe for a dog or should they be avoided? The fig is the plant or […]
April 21, 2022

Why Does My Cat Have Black Boogers?

Cats can also have clogged noses, just like humans can. It will usually end up either the mucus falling out or it clogging inside the nose and throat. The way the mucus looks will depend on what is the root cause because every situation is unique in its own way. […]
April 21, 2022

How Can You Sell A Puppy You Just Bought

Did you just buy a puppy but for some reason or another you want to sell it? It might prove to be difficult to take care of a puppy especially if it’s your first time owning a pet. Taking care of a new dog is usually challenging, especially the first […]
April 20, 2022

Can Dogs Get Knocked Out? How To Help Them Recover?

It is obvious that a dog will get hurt pretty badly if it gets in a high-impact accident. Still, a question some people ask is whether the dog will also get knocked out when getting hit. The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might expect, because each dog is unique […]
April 20, 2022

Do Chow Chows Shed?

The coarse-haired Chow Chow is a small, compact, square-looking dog. The tail is carried arched on the back. The inside of the mouth and tongue are blue/black. There are two types of fur – coarse and soft, and a wide range of colors, black, red, blue, tan, cream or white. […]
April 19, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Lemongrass? Is It Safe for Them?

Lemongrass belongs to the genus called Cymbopogon, which contains several other plant species and belongs to the Poaceae family. The plant is native to Australia, Asia, and Africa. It is also known under other names like Malabar grass, cochin, fever, citronella, barbed wire, silky heads, or oily heads and it […]
April 19, 2022

Why You Should Never Cut Your Cat’s Whiskers

All cats have whiskers, as you probably already know. Whiskers are usually called vibrissae. Do cats shed whiskers? Yes, all throughout their lives cats, even while they are still kittens, will lose some of their whiskers. They are similar in this way to any other hair on a creature’s body […]