Common Pets

June 2, 2022

Facts About Orange Tabby Cats

Orange tabby cats are considered by many the best feline companions for people that need a pet that is full of spunk and fire, one that will surely stand out. Orange tabby cats are among the favorite breeds for centuries and it’s pretty obvious why people love them. They have […]
June 2, 2022

Dúi – An Adorable Hmong Dog Called a Cat-Dog Hybrid

A Hmong dog called Dúi has managed to become a viral social media character due to his adorable antics and weirdly cute smile. But what do we know about this breed and where did it come from? If you have no idea what a Hmong dog is and this is […]
June 1, 2022

The Flame Point Siamese – Facts About The Rarest of The Cats

If you’re a cat lover, then you surely understand how a cat can change your life for the better. Cats are great pets to own, very social, and especially loyal. They will love to spend a lot of time around their owner. Among the hundreds of breeds of cats you […]
June 1, 2022

Einstein Horse – The Smallest Horse in The World?

When you hear about the Einstein Horse you’re probably thinking of how smart it could be, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is a famous horse but for a completely different reason. The Really Small Einstein Horse So how small was this horse after all? To get […]
May 31, 2022

Taking Care of a Hairless Pet Rat

Are you considering getting a hairless rat as a pet? Then you should really know what you’re getting into because these rats will require some extra care when compared to other breeds of rats. However, this article will come in your help and will help you understand the hairless rat […]
May 31, 2022

What is the Best Time to Feed Your Dog?

For people, things are pretty simple. Usually, we would have breakfast between 6 and 8 in the morning, lunch will be anywhere between 11 and 1, while dinner is around 7 – 8 in the evening. Between meals, we would usually get a snack or two. Things are a little […]
May 30, 2022

10 Calm Small Dog Breeds

Are you looking for a less energetic, less agitated, and overall quieter dog? Well, you’re surely not the only one. You are one of the many people who, for one reason or another, are looking for a dog breed known to be more relaxed and easy-going. We can all agree […]
May 30, 2022

Can Dogs Drink Gatorade? Why or Why Not?

Hydration is basically vital for all living creatures, including dogs. While the weather is hot enough, no amount of water seems to be enough to help you get rid of your thirst and get you the necessary minerals that you lose through sweating. This is why Gatorade of other sports […]