Common Pets

November 7, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

Cinnamon can have many benefits in a human’s diet. It is a powerful antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, and can help lower blood sugar levels, and improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics who are insulin resistant. Can also help with neuro-degenerative diseases and more! It’s a spice present in the world’s storehouses, but […]
November 7, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Shrimp?

Fish can be a source of many essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Dogs are carnivorous animals, and this is a well-known fact, however many owners wonder if it is safe to share seafood like shrimp with their furry friend. Shrimp can be cooked in many […]
November 5, 2022

How To Stop My Cats Fighting Each Other?

While it can be upsetting and frustrating, fighting between cats living in the same household is a problem that in many cases can be prevented and solved with the help of a professional or a veterinarian. Cat behavior is quite complex and there are many reasons why aggression can occur. […]
November 3, 2022

What To Do If Your Dog Is Sprayed by A Skunk

Skunks are mammals native to North and South America and are related to animals such as ferrets, badges, and otters. They are members of the Mustelidae family, and while almost every member of this family creates a stinking secretion in their smelly glands, skunks are the only ones who have […]
November 3, 2022

Itching or Scratching in Rabbits

Rabbits don’t have to scratch any more than you would. If your pet rabbit seems to be suffering from excessive itching and scratching a lot, it has a problem that needs to be solved. Various problems, from mites to allergies, can cause itching and scratches, but fortunately, they can be […]
November 3, 2022

Can Dogs Eat Quinoa?

Quinoa is a grain full of nutrients good for both dogs and humans. Quinoa is a gluten-free seed, which makes it an ideal alternative to other grains, and it also happens to be highly nutritious for humans. From protein to calcium, this edible seed is full of vitamins, essential amino […]
November 2, 2022

The Smartest Animals in the World

When we say intelligence, we mean more or less the ability to find solutions to problems that arise. Originally, humans believed that they were the only intelligent beings and considered themselves superior. Animals also have a degree of intelligence, which although we can’t compare to the one in humans, still […]
November 2, 2022

Animals That Bring Good Luck

Choosing a pet should be a complex process because, in addition to the love and warmth that they offer to their owners, pets can help you attract certain things. So, it would be good to analyze the “strengths” of certain pets, which have been talked about since ancient times. One […]