Fruit Roll-Ups are known to have a lot of carbohydrates and sugars and come with basically no nutritional values for people or their pets.
If you overfeed your dog with carbohydrates, it might become overweight, lethargic, or might even develop diabetes.
In addition, the additives inside Fruit Roll-Ups are also bad for humans and their pets.
You can buy fruit roll-ups for yourself, or even for your dogs, but you should only offer them as treats, from time to time, and not as a big part of their diets.
So should dogs eat Fruit Roll-Ups?
No, Your dog should not eat Fruit Roll-Ups. These types of treats should not be given to dogs mainly because of their high levels of sugar which can cause a lot of medical problems like obesity, diabetes, or dental problems.
You might also like my articles about whether or not dogs can eat cherry pie, bacon bits, or nopales.
Another bad aspect of these treats is their artificial coloring, which is really bad for your dog’s health because it can lead to all kinds of issues at the gastrointestinal level.
You might think that you can just replace sweets that taste like fruits with actual fresh fruits, but you shouldn’t give your dog real fruits either before the age of 1 year. This is to have its digestive system prepared for different types of foods and to avoid any digestive issues the animal might encounter.
Before you add any new food to your dog’s diet you should also have it consulted by a vet, to make sure that it doesn’t suffer from any illness or allergy that would make the food a bad fit.
Bottom line: Fruit Roll-Ups are too unhealthy for dogs so they should be avoided.
Can We Consider Fruit Roll-Ups dangerous?
Yes, fruit roll-ups are very bad for your dog’s health before of their high levels of carbohydrates and sugar. Both of these compounds come with an increased risk for dental problems, heart disease, diabetes, and in extreme cases can even lead to a serious depreciation of your dog’s health.
Can a dog die from fruit roll-ups?
No, fruit rollups will not be the direct reason behind a dog’s death, but they will damage its health in time, which could become part of the reason behind a dog’s shortened lifespan. The fact that fruit roll-ups contain artificial coloring and are considered extensively processed foods doesn’t help either. As said above, too much sugar will lead to dental issues, while too many carbohydrates are the root cause of diabetes.
You should try to avoid giving fruit roll-ups to dogs unless you find a brand that makes these treats, especially for these pets, and guarantees its safety.
As you might expect, it will be a lot better to fill the need of your dog for the taste of fruits or vegetables with actual fruits or vegetables, instead of highly processed artificial foods. But as I explained above, you shouldn’t add any new foods to your dog’s diet before it turns one year old.
What should I feed my dog instead of fruit roll ups?
The safes alternatives to fruit roll-ups especially for pets are real vegetables and fruits. These are always the safest route in terms of general health.
Out of all of the fruits and vegetables, here are some that your dog will most likely enjoy:
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Bananas
- Apples