How To Get Birds To Stop Chirping Outside?

Stop Birds From Chirping

I’ve always considered chirping birds like part of a fairytale and it used to bring me a lot of joy. This was a thing until I started working and I started to notice chirping birds in the morning when I had just a few minutes left to sleep.

If you’re like me, you surely don’t want to be woken up at 6 am by birds that seem to be getting in a fight.

So, what could you do in this case?

There are a few reasons why birds stay close to your window in the morning and chirp powerfully. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Placement of a Nearby Tree
  • Protection From Inclement Weather
  • Placement of a Nearby Nest

The first thing to figure out is what is causing the birds to chirp outside your window. Knowing this will help you find the best solution to stop them.

You might also like my articles on whether birds can suffer from down syndrome, whether birds can get high, and what bird poop actually means.

Depending on the case, if they are simply sitting on a window, the fix might be an easy one. In other instances, if you have a tree by the window, for example, finding a solution to get rid of the chirping of the birds will be considerably harder.

Below you will find not only the reasons behind chirping but also ways in which to fix this issue.

Tips on getting rid of chirping birds

1. Use a Bird Deterrent

One of the best ways in which you can get rid of birds from your window is to set a quality bird deterrent close to the window.

If the deterrent is working properly, it will keep the birds away from your house. They will want to find a safer place where to nest and will avoid getting anywhere close to the deterrent.

Birds have a lot of predators so they will find it very important to feel safe whenever they rest. Most of the time, when a bird is chirping close to your window, it will mean that it feels safe enough to be there and that there probably is a nest closeby.

A deterrent will usually change the behavior of birds almost instantly. Fewer birds will get close to your house and almost none will feel safe enough to sit on your window.

2. Invest in Additional Window Insulation

If you don’t want to get rid of the birds but you want to hear them less, then window insulation is a great idea.

You will do this so that the birds can continue to live their lives while less noise from their chirping will actually get into your house. You can do this with a simple set of curtains and the results will be almost instantly noticeable.

If you go on this route, you can still enjoy chirping during the daytime when you’re awake, while also having no problems sleeping in the night.
You can also reduce the outdoor noise using better-insulated windows, but this is a process that could take time and it would usually cost more than a simple set of heavy curtains.

If you go for a set of curtains, keep in mind that not all of them have the same effect of canceling the noise. You want a set of heavy curtains that won’t cut out all of the light, be easily manageable, but still, keep a big part of the sound away from you.

3. Move The Bird Feeder Away From Your House

Chirping BirdDid you install a bird feeder in your yard and birds use it for their morning snacks?

When birds wake up and come for snacks they will make considerable noise while chirping. This is normal behavior for birds in general, so if you want them to find another place where to chirp in the morning, then moving the bird feeder farther away from your home would be a great idea.

Most of the time, birds won’t go too far away from a decent source of food.

If you didn’t provide the feeder for the birds but they still stay close to your house, then the food source is somewhere close. If this is the case, you can try to provide a better food option and install a bird feeder somewhere far from your home.

To move birds away from your property, you should set it up at least 100 feet away.

4. Use a Scarecrow

If nothing up to this point seems to be working, you should try to install a scarecrow.

This should also work as a bird deterrent, keeping the birds as far away from you as possible.

Scarecrows have been used with great success for a lot of years, so there’s no reason why it wouldn’t work in your situation as well.

Final Words

These are just some of the ways in which you can get rid of chirping at your window in the morning.

You shouldn’t wait for too much to take action either, because birds will get used to you and they will be harder and harder to push away.

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