Dog’s Poop Turns Yellow After Eating Chicken & Rice

Dog Yellow Stool

Has your dog eaten a diet of chicken and rice and all of a sudden his poop has turned neon-yellow? It might help to know that this is very normal in general, especially if you’ve made this change as a way of helping your dog get over some diarrhea episodes.

If you’d go on Google for a simple search you’d notice that there are quite a few other dog owners that had this exact same issue and stressed over nothing. You could still talk to your vet, just to make sure that the yellow poo isn’t a secondary sign of an underlying health problem.

Chicken & Rice – A Cure for Diarrhea

One of the first steps an owner will have to take to help their dog get through diarrhea is to switch the pet’s diet to a bland chicken and rice one. This is one of the first things vets will tell you to do if your dog has an upset stomach.

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One of the best qualities of rice is that the soluble fiber in it will absorb parts of the water content that goes through the gastrointestinal tract, making it a great treatment again diarrhea in dogs. It should help stabilize the runny poop of a dog and get it to a more balanced consistency. Most types of white rice also have binding properties that would give the dog’s stool a firmer texture.

Keep in mind that brown rice isn’t known to have the same characteristics. Due to it not having the same binding agents, although it is more nutritious than white rice, it won’t help fix your dog’s diarrhea issues.

Also, remember that you should only give your dog boiled chicken and rice for a while. As soon as the dog gets better, he should be moved to a more normal diet, to ensure he gets all of the nutrients he needs, and to avoid any other issues due to nutrient deficiencies. Before transitioning to a normal diet, make sure you ask your vet what your dog should eat.

Why is Your Dog’s Stool Turning Yellow?

Dog PooingThere are several factors that can influence a change in your dog’s stool color. One example is parasites like whipworms or similar worms in the dog’s intestinal tract. A sudden change in the dog’s diet could also trigger a reaction.

If you plan to give chicken to your dog for the first time, you should make sure that the dog isn’t allergic to this food. Although you might not know this, chicken is actually one of the foods that most commonly lead to allergic reactions in dogs, according to the experts from WebMD. When experiencing an allergic reaction to certain foods, one of the most common symptoms in dogs is diarrhea.

So is there anything, in particular, you should do when you notice that your dog’s stool is turning yellow right after giving him chicken and rice? The first thing you should do is keep your dog under observation for a while to make sure he isn’t developing any worrying symptoms. If your dog seems healthy, doesn’t feature any other symptoms, and is acting like he used to, then the change in poop color, even if going towards orange, might just be an effect of the dietary change.

If instead, you notice that your dog features all kinds of other side effects like vomiting or even a lack of appetite, then my advice is to contact a vet as soon as possible. YOu might be required to get a sample of the weird-looking stool to get a better understanding of what is behind the change of color.

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