Common Reasons for a Dog to Start Whining

Why Are Dogs Whining

Although you take care of your dog and all of his needs, including long, fun walks, great food, and a comfy bed along with his favorite toy, for some reason or another, right when you have to do some work or take care of some chores, he starts whining almost uncontrollably. Is this something that sounds very familiar? And I’m pretty sure that although you love your pet very much and do everything in your power for him to be ok, constant whining might drive you close to craziness. However, the ASPCA says that whining is used by your dog as a way of communicating a need, so keep in mind this before getting overly annoyed. The best thing you can do about this is to figure out what each noise means and work with the pet to fix the issue at hand.

Why is a dog whining for no reason?

As you surely understand, although from time to time it might seem that a dog has no reason for being whiny, most of the time, a need of his is not properly met. Of course, the easiest way to stop the dog from whining is to fix the issue behind the noise, and you can only do this after you figure out what the noise is about. So let’s go over some of the more common reasons for a dog’s whining.

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The pet might fear something

Being anxious or scared might make some dogs whine. This might be followed by other signs like panting, trembling, or pacing, according to an article provided by the AKC (American Kennel Club). When this happens, it will fall on you to figure out what is behind the dog’s anxiety and what you can do to make him feel a little more comfortable and safe. You can make things a little easier for your dog in the event of stronger noises like thunder or fireworks, by giving him a place where he feels safe. A room with less noise might be the perfect place. This includes rooms inside the basement or even a crate. You can even try to mask some of the sounds that might be scaring your dog with the help of background music that he likes. You might even give some comfort to your dog if you give him the puzzle toy or bone he likes.

Your dog might be excited

Your dog might also start to whine when he notices you putting on your coat and shoes to go outside. It might be a sign for him that a walk is coming. Some positive-motivation training might be enough to stop your dog from whining from excitement. The easiest way to do this is to stop the dog right when he stops whining, with a strong “quiet” followed but a treat or a praise as soon as the dog listens. You should start the training in the house, where it is quieter and the dog won’t have any distractions, and continue throughout your walks.

Your dog might be looking for something

It happens for a lot of people to notice that the dog starts whining right after the toy he loves the most goes under the sofa or in a hard-to-reach area. If this happens to you, you will notice that the whining will stop as soon as you retrieve the ball and give it back to your pet. There are also instances in which a dog might look up at its owner, notice them relaxing on the sofa, and just whine for no apparent reason. As soon as they pick up the pet and just hold him, he will cuddle up next to his favorite individual and just fall asleep. The reason doesn’t have to be an important, life-altering one. There are a lot of moments throughout a day when your dog might express a desire through whining noises.

Separation anxiety

Your dog might very well suffer from anxiety, especially if he starts to whine, drool or pace when you prepare to get out of the house. This disorder is pretty common among dogs, with 14% of all canines suffering from it according to the AKC. Keep in mind that most symptoms of separation anxiety can also be linked to other health issues, so you should talk to a vet just to make sure, especially if the symptoms get worse in time. As soon as you’re sure the symptoms are only related to a form of anxiety, do the steps below to lessen them and make your dog feel better:

  • You might have to resort to medication or calming supplements in some extreme cases, but it won’t usually get to this.
  • You will have to teach your dog to feel more comfortable in a room alone and you can do this by training him with stay, down, and sit exercises, followed by you leaving the room.
  • Your dog might also have an easier time relaxing when alone if he has his favorite chew toys and some soft music in the background.
  • The biggest goal for you would be to have the fact of leaving and returning home as uneventful as possible for your dog. This is why long goodbyes are really bad. Just leave without too much noise. Maybe just give him a treat and then leave. You should also not make a big deal when returning. Although hard, it is better to just ignore your dog until you notice him getting calm.

Whining just to seek attention

Whining Dog with Puppy EyesThis is one of the most common noises when it comes to pets and especially dogs. Most dogs will resort to whining to get the attention of their owners. They will usually continue to do this especially if they get treats, additional playtime, or extra petting whenever they do it. What you do when you give in to attention whining is called positive reinforcement and will be detrimental to a healthy relationship with your pet. What you want to do instead is stop the whining and only then reward the dog with a snack or a praise.

Is the dog whining due to pain?

Yes, whining can also be caused by a pain experienced by your dog. Your dog will experience pain that could be caused by arthritis especially if he whines while jumping on the couch or climbing the stairs. You should never ignore a dog you suspect is in pain or even worse, try to train him against making sounds when experiencing pain. You should get him to a vet as soon as possible and have him properly consulted and put under the necessary treatment to get better.

Should you ever ignore a whining dog?

The best way to stop your got when whining for attention is by ignoring him while doing this. You can even turn your back your dog and completely avoid eye contact when he starts whining. You should avoid speaking with or touching the pet and you should also avoid scolding him because this is also a form of attention. You should also reward your dog for being quiet with some types of positive behavior.

Keep in mind that your adult dog will get very used to using whining as a way of getting your attention and breaking this habit will take quite some time. You will have to be consistent and use proper training methods but sooner or later, the dog will learn to be quiet and wait in silence for your attention.

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