Coy Fish and its Varieties

Coy Fish Details

Japan and China are among the biggest cultivators of coy fish. These creatures are known as jewels in the water because they can be found in a lot of different colors.

The name of these fish comes from the Japanese word for carp, which is koi. They find their origins in the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, and the Black Sea, as well as in Eastern Asia. They are widely grown both in Japan and China. These creatures with very brightly colored bodies were first discovered by accident around the 19th century in Japan, by farmers who then started breeding them.

Although at that point the world still had no idea about these fish, they became very popular all around Japan. The possibility of shipping coy fish became a lot safer and faster once plastic bags became widely used. This is when they started to be shipped all around the world. They can easily be found in most pet stores that sell fish. Coy fish can be found both in very dull nuances of gray as well as very colorful shades. This fish is known as the messenger of friendship and love in Japan.

Different Varieties

You can find coy fish in one of a multitude of amazing colors, which is why they are known as living jewels in water. Most commonly, they will be either yellow, blue, red, white, or black. Their patterns and colors will even make their price fluctuate, from just a few hundred dollars to thousands. There are some varieties that are considerably more popular and those are:

Coy Fish Varieties
Butterfly This fish is the only type of coy that has some kind of wings.
Ghost koi This is a hybrid carp between a wild one and an Ogon.
Hikari Moyomono This fish has a metallic color with colored patterns all over it.
Koromo This coy fish is known for having scales neatly aligned, in a blue-edge color.
Doitsu goi This carp comes from Germany.
Kawarimono This is a very popular, easy-to-find type of coy.
Kin Gin Gin This coy fish has very shiny scales.
Ogon This amazing coy fish has great metallic colors all over its body.
Goshiki This black fish will also have some blue, brown, white, and red patterns.
Utsurimono This black coy fish will have patterns of yellow, white, and red colors.
Bekko This variety has a skin color of yellow, red, or white.
Shusui This looks just like the Asagi, but it is partially scaled.
Asagi This coy fish has red scales on the bottom and light blue scales on the top.
Tancho Any coy fish with a red circle on its forehead will get this name.
Showa Sanshoku This fish has white and red patterns on its black skin.
Taisho Sanshoku This fish has white skin complemented with a beautiful black and red pattern.
Kohaku A fish with white skin and a very beautiful red pattern.

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These fish can be trained to come for feeding in a designated spot when you clap. They are also known as the friendliest type of fish out there. They can be hand-fed with ease and among their pluses is the fact that having no teeth, they can also be fed by small children.

Caring For Coy Fish

Colored Koi FishYou should consider keeping coy fish in very cold waters because this is a type of coldwater fish. The pond in which they are kept should be at least four and a half feet deep and four and a half feet in diameter. You can also increase the deepness of the pond by at least one foot if you want to keep these fish in somewhat warmer water. Coy fish can also go into a state of hibernation if the temperatures inside the water go below 50°F.

They will stay closer to the bottom of the pond while the top layer is frozen and then come back higher as soon as the ice starts to melt, usually during spring. They have the ability to survive on algae alone, which they find at the bottom of the pond, during winter when their digestive system will pause. Outside of winter, these fish will have no problem eating anything from insect larvae, to watermelon pieces, peas, and lettuce.

Coy fish are usually pretty vulnerable to their predators, having a hard time hiding with their very distinct and attractive colors. These fish are easily scooped out of the water by birds, raccoons, and cats that can get close to them. This is why, if you have a pond filled with coy, you have to do all it takes to protect them from predators. You can try to set up an overhang on the pond, which will prevent most mammals from getting in the water. You can also protect your fish from aerial predators by planting big, shady trees around the pond and obstructing their view. A wired net properly placed over the pond can also help.

Their Life Span

These fish can reach their 90th birthday if they get the ideal living conditions. There are also coy fish that are known to have lived much longer. For example, the longest life for this type of fish was recorded on a specimen that reached an impressive age of 226 years. Even so, fish held in captivity will have a shorter life, reaching an age of only 50 to 60 years. This average lifespan will easily be surpassed if you set the fish free in the wild. A coy fish that has fresh food, a large area to swim in, and clean water, is considered one living in ideal conditions. They are social creatures and will live longer if they are held together with other pond fish.

You can add coy fish to your backyard landscape. They are great for cleaning your pond, by eating all kinds of insect larvae. These fish, when properly cared for, can even be passed on to your children.

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