Among the most popular birds that people like to hold as pets are cockatiels. These are creatures that will form a very strong bond with their owners, are particularly easy to keep, and are very playful and friendly with anyone. Another positive aspect of these birds is the fact that they will have a pretty long lifespan of up to 20 years, making them great long-term companions.
You shouldn’t adopt a cockatiel bird as a long-term commitment before you learn the most important facts about this bird, to have an understanding of what it will mean to care for it. Remember that as long as you take good care of this pet, it can live for around 20 years. This article should give all the information you need to understand whether this pet is for you or not.
What are the environmental needs of the cockatiels?
A cockatiel kept in captivity should have enough room to move around and explore the surroundings, because these are very curious birds. They will surely hate it to have to spend all day cramped up in a small space. Get a cage as big as your space and money will enable you. The minimum size of a cage should be 24″ x 24″ x 24″ if you’re only planning on keeping a single cockatiel, according to experts.
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Socialization needs of a cockatiel
The curiosity of cockatiels will also create the need for them to socialize regularly with people. In the absence of humans to socialize with, you should give your bird enough toys and different perches so it has a way of staying active. Although enough toys should offer a simple way of keeping a cockatiel entertained, these should never replace human interaction on a regular basis.
These birds can even be kept on the owner’s shoulders from time to time once they get more attached to them. This will help create an even stronger bond with the pet and will be a great way of keeping it active and entertained.
What should cockateils eat?
The cockatiel is a simple bird that will only need pellets and seeds in its diet to thrive. Most pet stores will have one type or another of bird food made especially for cockatiels. If you want to make the diet a little more diversified, you can also add dark, leafy greens and vegetables or fruits like bananas. Diversifying the diet will also ensure that you add the extra nutrients necessary for a proper development of the bird.
Cockatiel Hygiene
To keep your cockatiel happy and healthy you should clean its cage at regular intervals. These should not be rarer than once per week. You need to always keep an eye on the cage to make sure it doesn’t get too messy because this bird will leave pieces of food, poop, and shed on a regular basis. You will also have to clip the cockateil’s wings from time to time. This is a process that is similar to clipping a dog’s nails. This will help you ensure that the bird won’t fly away.
Along with all the physical things you need to do for this bird, you will also have to offer it a lot of love. Don’t adopt a cockatiel if you’re a distant individual or stay away from your home for a considerable time throughout the day. You will have to be fully committed when getting this type of bird. This is something you should keep in mind when getting any kind of pet, but more so with a pet cockatiel.
These are just some of the things you will need to consider when getting a cockatiel as a pet. If these don’t discourage you then you should go for it. The reward of owning a loving pet will surely make all of the effort worth it.