You surely know and have at least once eaten cheese puffs. This is one of the popular American snacks that a lot of people enjoy.
A great number of Americans will relate to devouring a bowl of cheese puffs.
But what about sharing this great treat with your dog? Can your dog eat cheese puffs? And more importantly, what happens when your dog eats too many cheese puffs?
Dogs can’t eat cheese puffs and they should never be given this treat. It is considered too hung in sodium (fat) content for the dog’s digestive system to handle, which can lead to very bad side effects like fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or worse.
It is always better to offer it a healthier alternative even if it is drooling at your puffs and it is begging for just one bite. It shouldn’t be a problem to offer your dog a different treat than what you’re eating because they usually don’t have a clear understanding of what you have in front of you, they just drool whenever they see you enjoying a meal.
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If you’re a dog owner you should spend some time to find a healthy treat that your dog enjoys, which you can use as a go-to alternative to the bad food you’re eating. For this, you should look for an alternative that has a low fat content.
Below you will find not only reasons why cheese puffs are bad for dogs but what should be some alternatives you would feed your dog with when it hits you with its puppy eyes.
Reasons For Why Dogs Can’t Eat Cheese Puffs
1. High amount of Sodium (Salt)
Salt is very bad for a dog’s health. Its digestive system will take the biggest hit when you give it too much salt. Along with other bad effects on the dog’s health, considerable amounts of salt can lead to dehydration.
Aside from the fact that they have too much salt, cheese puffs also come with no actual valuable nutrients for the dog. This means that this treat will damage your dog’s health and add empty calories to your dog’s diet while having no positive effects.
This is one of the main reasons why you should go for healthier alternatives instead.
2. Causes an Upset Stomach
Among the most dangerous issues your dog might be faced with when eating cheese puffs would be an upset stomach.
This is the main issue that comes along with giving cheese puffs to a dog.
The symptoms will start to show up a few hours after the dog has munched on the treat and they might get worse and fast.
It’s not only important to not feed your dog cheese puffs, it’s also vital that you make sure your dog won’t get into the bag of puffs when you’re not looking.
An upset stomach is only a gateway symptom opening the road to uglier side effects like fatigue, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or even worse.
3. Empty Calories
As you know, just like humans, dogs will only require a certain number of calories to be healthy. If these add up to more than the daily max, your dog will risk getting fatter and fatter.
If you want to make sure your dog will have a balanced and healthy diet you will really have to police everything it eats and these treats that don’t offer any nutrients in exchange for the many calories they push into the dog’s body should really be avoided.
You will easily add value to a dog’s diet if you add ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and meat.
Cheese puffs have a lot of calories but these are called empty calories because they will do nothing good for the dog’s health and hunger, and will only damage its digestive system.
Along with cheese puffs, try to also keep your dog away from processed foods and treats that are high in processed sugar.
Related Questions
1. Can Dogs Eat Peanut Puffs?
No, dogs shouldn’t eat peanut puffs either. These puffs not only have too much salt, but they also come with some other ingredients that might be dangerous for your dog and its short-term and long-term health.
2. Can Cheetos Be Lethal For a Dog?
Cheetos will not be lethal for your dog. However, these should not be part of a dog’s diet because of their high salt content and other ingredients that could easily cause an upset stomach.
Final Thoughts
So to wrap things up: can dogs actually eat cheese puffs?
The short answer is no. Dogs should never eat cheese puffs. They will add a lot of calories to the dog’s diet without providing any of the needed nutrients and, on top of this, they will also cause an upset stomach due to their bad ingredients.
If you want to offer your dog a treat from time to time, it is always better to look for healthier options and there are plenty to choose from.