Can Crocodiles Be Tamed? Can They Be Turned Into Obedient Pets?

Crocodile Taming

Crocodiles are usually more aggressive than alligators, but can they actually be tamed to the point of becoming obedient pets?. Attention and common sense should be exercised at all times near and around alligators and crocodiles.

So, what is the bigger alligator or crocodile? Crocodiles also tend to be longer than mature alligators. An adult crocodile can grow up to about 19 feet long, while for alligators, the maximum length is about 14 feet. The crocodile’s skin tends to be more of a light brown or olive color, while alligators are usually of a dark black-gray.

So can crocodiles be tamed?

Maybe you think a crocodile can be tamed, but that’s not true. Many believe that an aggressive reptile can be transformed into a lap dog through training, but soon comes an epiphany. And although some species of crocodiles are more tolerant than others, domestication takes years, and eventually, the owners realize that it is in their best interest to touch the crocodile as little as possible.

Most crocodiles cannot be tamed. There have been some specimens who have been tamed, but the normal personality for most species of crocodiles is strong to aggressive. So don’t count on it. American alligators, on the other hand, can usually be tamed.

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By now, you should have no doubt that crocodiles are not suitable pets for most people. However, with enough experience, the necessary equipment, enough space and money, strong determination, and the right attitude toward this issue, a crocodile can become a pet – the main thing is that you know what to expect from it.

Why can’t crocodiles be tamed?

One thing is certain: Crocodiles are not for children. Teenagers are often excited about the idea of buying a crocodile. However, given the fact that physical strength, experience in handling large reptiles, and solid financial investments will be required for their maintenance, we can conclude that only adults, self-aware people can take care of a crocodile.

Theoretically, anything is possible. However, this is extremely difficult and most reptiles are, at best, simply in a peaceful state. Many tried to tame crocodiles, but the success of these attempts was very limited. These crocodiles have been trained and tamed every day for a long time, and despite this, they have remained capable of serious bites, because their reflex to catch live food is almost impossible to beat.

The temperament of crocodiles is individual; some species are calmer than others. However, if they are in a bad mood they can attack their owner. A huge mistake is to purchase a crocodile, believing that you can tame it. The only result of this adventure will be the inevitable disappointment and bite marks.

Rule number one: When dealing with a crocodile, always be careful and never trust the animal. Find out what it is capable of and give credit to the speed and strength of their teeth.

Can baby crocodiles be tamed?

Looking at small young crocodiles, you might feel like they’re easy to care for, and an enterprising salesman may even convince people to buy one. Don’t be fooled. As they grow, crocodiles quickly gain strength and bad habits. After just one year, most people can no longer cope with their pets and very often give them away or even leave them out.

Large crocodiles are dangerous animals. They have an unfriendly disposition and many underestimate their speed and strength, which can lead to serious consequences.

Taking care of crocodiles requires experience and skill, and for large individuals, a whole team of several people is needed. Even a small caiman can send the owner to the hospital and leave him with scars for life.

Can crocodiles be trained?

Yeah, there are quite enough. They won’t bring you your slippers, but over time they begin to recognize people and react to them in certain ways. They remember the events leading up to the feeding or cleaning of spaces. However, you must remember: If you are not careful, their memory may turn against you. For example, if you feed a crocodile at the same time each day, it will expect food at that time. If you accidentally change the events before feeding by cleaning the location, the reptile can expect food – and a bite from the animal is a very likely result.

In the wild, crocodiles are capable of social behavior and even cooperation. The reptile that looks at you from behind the window is smarter than you think.

The crocodile is a wild exotic animal, reaching a huge size, and can easily feed on a person. But there are small species that can easily live in apartment conditions, in a terrarium as a pet.

Can crocodiles be friendly?

Despite the fact that the crocodile has lived with you from a young age, you should not think that it loves you and is tamed. The crocodile, though domestic, remains a predator, which means you have to deal with it very carefully. You should not make a show for your guests and put your hands in the mouth of a crocodile, and even worse, on its head. They won’t hesitate to bite well or hurt you at best.

Pet crocodiles

Pet CrocodileThere is a trend of having such a pet at home, but you should always remember that the crocodile is a predator first, and then a pet.

Many people eventually come to the conclusion that they want to have a pet at home. However, there is a category of people who prefer something original and exotic. Thus, usually, they prefer to buy terrariums, which contain interesting spiders, snakes, and frogs. Those who are allowed under legal conditions to acquire crocodiles.

Many states have banned the possession of exotic pets such as alligators and crocodiles. There are only five states that allow you to own a crocodile without the necessary permits or licenses. These states are Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.

In addition, when choosing an exotic animal, you should take into account the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the animal’s life before buying one.
  • Buy a pet from reputable specialized stores. Buying these animals from anyone, most likely, you will support smuggling, and you will also have no guarantee that the animal will be healthy.
  • Taking all the precautionary measures it will not need to be treated seriously and for a long time, and it will not become a source of infection in your home.
  •  Consider the place you will buy food for your pet because most likely the products will also be exotic and will not be available in just any pet store.
  • Think well and hard about whether you can feed a predator with other animals. For example, if you can feed it with a mouse or a frog.


No, you cannot tame a crocodile. Reptiles cannot have warm feelings for their owner. These enigmatic ancient animals are, at best, grateful for a comfortable stay. Centuries of separate and sometimes mutually exclusive existence of humans and crocodiles allow us to conclude that their love for each other is more fiction than the truth.

When dealing with this exotic pet, you have to be extremely careful. Any inaccurate movement can scare the crocodile, and in turn, it can cause various injuries and damage to its owner.

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