Hundreds of shark species live in the world, and some are even found in freshwater. However, there are species that are endangered, the main reason being overfishing. You wouldn’t have thought that humans are actually more dangerous predators than sharks. Here are a few things you don’t hear about sharks very often.
Sharks are considered the most frightening fish, but do they deserve this title? It is true that, unlike dolphins, sharks are less friendly, and harder to convince to do acrobatics in water parks, but that does not make them ferocious animals.
The films and numerous articles in which sharks are the villains have created a bad reputation for these important aquatic animals. In fact, only 3% of shark species hunt large marine life, while 97% are harmless.
Are sharks friendly?
Most shark species are considered harmless. In fact, many of them are smaller than humans, and instinctively avoid contact with them.
Do sharks like humans?
The truth, and despite the fact that it doesn’t seem pleasant at all, is that sharks respond to nature and their instincts, and rarely aim to attack humans. Sharks don’t have the ability to think about whether they like humans or not. However, people often seem to annoy them, a clear example is fishing or extracting the fins that cause them to be unable to swim or even lead to them bleeding to death.
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Even so, 97% of sharks are harmless to us and only 3% are among those who hunt large marine life and could attack humans. Many attacks are caused when people either harass sharks in the water or even on land, fish in their area, or try to feed them.
Sharks are curious creatures. From their point of view, when they want to explore a seal, a turtle, or a stingray they bite it, and then they realize they don’t want to eat it.
Sharks aren’t interested in humans as prey. White sharks, for example, under three meters long and between four and five years old, feed mainly on fish. After a period they change their teeth and acquire typical large teeth, which are adapted for their prey of marine mammals. Their diet changes depending on the season, from fish to mammals. Humans don’t look like marine mammals in the water, but sharks are naturally curious, leading to negative encounters with humans from time to time.
Most people, over 90%, survive these kinds of attacks when the shark quickly realizes the error and it is unlikely to continue the attack after the test bite, but sometimes even the first bite can be lethal.
Do Sharks Remember Humans?
Sharks are very intelligent creatures with excellent memory that can remember things for more than a year. Because of their great memory its likely that they remember humans, and can rival many primates and crows. There isn’t certain evidence in this term, but studies show that this is possible.
Scientists led an experiment to see whether a shark can remember the shape of a human being or different shapes, which concluded that sharks do have a great memory. They used food as a reward for sharks to identify shapes like triangles or squares.
In this experiment, bamboo sharks were used. In order to point to the correct shape, they used their snouts, and most of the time they pointed to the correct shape.
After a period of 50 months, scientists returned to see if sharks could remember and they certainly did. The study was able to show that a shark that frequently interacts with a human being can remember it even after a few months.
Can Sharks Form Bonds with People?
Probably, many of you saw sharks swimming peacefully around people or how docile and calm they are when humans touch them, so you must be wondering whether they can bond with us. This is not the case. Sharks don’t feel the need for affection, like a cat or a dog.
There was a study in order to determine if a shark can form a bond with a human being or if it has a long-term impact on the shark and its natural behavior. The result was they cannot and that its intelligence has nothing to do with it.
Can You Pet a Shark?
They may have never had affection before, but researchers noticed that they like it and come back for it again and again. This little affectionate interaction can last more than a minute before the shark drifts and the diver resumes sinking and underwater activities. They also made it clear that they do not encourage the public to go out and pet sharks alone.
All of us saw, in reality, movies or documentaries, how sharks come to be petted, in the wild or in captivity. Even if most species are not dangerous, you shouldn’t try to touch one on your own. Some sharks like to be petted if they are more familiar with the human touch, or if they are a smaller species or even babies.
There are some aquariums where they let people touch the sharks, and you must always pay good attention to their indications. For example, you must put your hand in the water and let the shark come to it and slowly run your hand on the back or tummy if it turns. Never move your hand in the water, as they may think it is a fish and they’ll come after it to bite it. Never scratch their body, because you may cause them irritations.
FAQs on How Friendly are Sharks
Can sharks feel love?
Their emotional sensitivity is amazing because this latest discovery is so contrary to their popular image. Many sharks can feel love and emotions as much as we do.
Has a shark ever attacked a diver?
Yes, sharks attack divers, whether provoked or unprovoked. However, attacks are extremely rare because sharks do not see divers as particularly appetizing prey. Most sharks are cautious around divers, although over the years, sharks have become bolder around humans because of the bait they offer.
Has anyone ever tamed a shark?
There was an experiment where they tried to keep a white shark in a tank. After three days of floating carelessly and hitting his head on the walls of its tank, the great white shark died in the aquarium in Japan. They could never successfully hold one in captivity and probably never will.
Can tiger sharks be friendly?
Tiger sharks can be calm and curious, but they can never be considered friendly. They are responsible for more recorded attacks on humans than any other shark except the great white.
Are whale sharks friendly?
Whale sharks are one of the most amazing animals in the world – and although they are sharks, they are also one of the most peaceful fish in the sea. In fact, whale sharks are so gentle that they are completely safe to swim with.
Which one is the friendliest shark ever?
The whale sharks are beautiful, docile creatures and are not dangerous at all. In fact, it is known that whale sharks are not only tolerant of divers, but some will even interact and play with humans.
Is it safe to swim with nurse sharks?
It is okay to touch nurse sharks, and most incidents are caused when a shark is provoked by force. Nurse sharks are often fed to bring them closer to divers and snorkeling for a great show. It is not recommended for divers to try to feed nurse sharks while swimming with them. The nurse shark has a defensive bite.
What is a shark afraid of?
White sharks, for example, are afraid of orcas, and most sharks are afraid of dolphins. Humans can also pose threats to sharks. It is in their natural instinct for sharks to be afraid of things that can harm them, but they are not the only ones to do so, we respond in defense too.
Which is the most aggressive shark?
Because of their characteristics, many experts consider bull sharks the most dangerous in the world. Historically, they are joined by their most famous cousins, the big whites and the tiger sharks, being the three most susceptible species to attack humans.
Which shark attacks people the most?
The Great White is the most dangerous shark with 314 unprovoked attacks on humans. It is followed by the striped tiger shark with 111 attacks, the bull shark with 100 attacks, and the black-tipped shark with 29 attacks.
How do you fight a shark?
Stay calm and do not make sudden movements.
Move slowly toward the shore or a boat, go for which one is closer. Do not throw your arms, hit, or splash while swimming.
Do not block the shark’s path. If you’re standing between the shark and the open ocean, move away.
Don’t swim with the back at the shark.
Final words
Is it possible for a shark to be friendly? Thanks to the TV world, many people see sharks as monsters from the deep. But a new study has found something surprising: just like human beings, sharks have friends.