In general, cats do not want to be kissed on the muzzle, on the nose, or in the mustache area. Why doesn’t the cat want to kiss me, why doesn’t the cat kiss, or why isn’t my cat more loving are just a few of the questions that cat owners have.
Why? Well, let’s see. There are several reasons:
- Because they have a strong personality.
- Because you have bad breath.
- They have bacteria.
- You might hurt them.
- They just don’t want to.
The personality of cats
Each cat breed is different. Some are more talkative, some curious, and some more loving. The more your cat is loved, the more she will sit and come to kiss, be petted, and play with.
Kissing the cat is not a gesture of affection for her, as for humans, because she is a different species. Instead, she sees a large being approaching its head, and this may seem threatening if it is not done slowly and gently.
Another important aspect is how they were raised. If they have been raised outside a loving home when they were young, it is normal to be more antisocial to say so. But, if they have been raised by humans and kissed since they were young, I do not think they will run away if you kiss them, of course, if they recognize you by your smell.
The bad smell
If you have bad breath, it’s normal for your cat not to sit around for you to kiss it. No one likes something, whatever it is, that smells bad. Don’t try to spray yourself with perfume because cats hate perfumes. The perfume vapors disturb their sense of smell and enter their eyes.
Animals have bacteria
Unofficially, doctors in human and veterinary medicine, say that cases of illness among kissing pets and owners are rare. The reason is simple. Those who kiss, love, and care for them. They regularly take care of their hygiene, vaccinate them, and deworm them on time.
Guess what, doctors kiss their animals too because they are so cute.
Cats generally accept only the company of the people they know and trust. A cat reads a person’s character immediately based on behavior and attitude.
Your cat doesn’t kiss you because you’re bad with her
Even if at that moment you have the best intentions and you are of absolute purity, if the rest of the time you hurt her, she will not sit around to be kissed. This does not necessarily mean that you beat her.
If you are annoyingly teasing her for no reason, it is enough for her not like your company. Even more so, she won’t want to be kissed. If you really want to kiss her, make sure she likes you first.
Give her some pleasant surprises. Let her stay close to you. Give her attention, comfort, water, etc., when she asks or if she wants. Let her pass you by without pushing her, do not pull her by the elbows or whiskers, and do not call her without a reason.
Depending on the breed and how well you behave with it, it will stay more or less to be kissed.
Your cat really doesn’t want to be kissed in general
It may not be her fault. Some cats are solitary. Many cat owners who stay in an apartment do not think about what their fluffy pet needs. It is good for the cat to have a place of her own where she is not disturbed regardless of the situation.
Coming back to our topic, if the cat is stressed because of space, food, or any other reason, it will not be able to accept being kissed. Sometimes the cat’s kiss is a difficult thing.
Here are some signs that your cat loves you
She treats you just like you are another cat. A larger one with access to the locker with food. She rubs by you, licks you on your hands, and jumps to play. All these are parts of the natural behavior of the cat, which she also exhibits in the presence of cats with whom she feels comfortable.
She blinks slowly in your presence. Yes, it’s a sign. When your cat looks at you relaxed, gently closes her eyes, then opens them lazily, it means she feels good and safe in your company.
She rubs her head on you. Do you know the moments when the cat throws her head at you, pushes forcefully, and you eventually spill the coffee from your hand? Well, these are a sign of love, being a learned behavior in childhood with her brothers and mother.
Tummy up – when the cat sits with her paws and tummy up, it is the ultimate sign of confidence and safety.
She’s chasing you around the house – no, it’s not to hurt you, but because she loves your presence and wants to be close to you.
She sleeps close to you. Again, she is tormented by the desire to be close to you, even when you can’t give her the attention she usually wants. The presence is extremely important.
She brings you gifts. When the cat comes home with a mouse or bird she just caught and offers them proudly at your feet, you should know that she actually wanted to make a nice gesture because she loves you.
Begging for affection, meowing, and talking to you are signs of the need for interaction, presence, and a strong connection with the animal. Did you see that when you have guests, she doesn’t treat them this way?
Kneading – when your cat “kneads” with her paws is a gesture of affection, tranquility, and safety learned in early childhood. That’s what she did with her mother when she suckled milk.
Small attacks in play. Let’s say, that’s how cats know to show you that they love you. They jump to your feet, and scratch you with their claws, as a sign of affection.
There are also loving cats. Some people even say that they are too kissy.