May 23, 2022

How Many Nipples Do Dogs Have?

A lot of people have asked me how many nipples dogs have. It’s a pretty funny question that some people even have a hard time asking a vet, so this article comes to your help and answers this, along with some other questions about the dog’s nipples. How Many Nipples […]
May 17, 2022

Seed Ticks on Dogs – How Do You Get Rid of Them?

Infestation of seed ticks in your dog can lead to severe consequences so immediate treatment is a must. This will mostly occur in spring and if identified in time, will usually lead to no long-lasting effects. But what exactly are ticks? TIcks are a kind of parasite called ectoparasites, that […]
May 3, 2022

Dog Not Eating But Drinking Water And Vomiting – Possible Reasons

A dog’s stomach has particular needs and foods it has a hard time digesting. As a dog owner, you will usually get used to whatever your dog wants and likes to eat so when the animal won’t follow the expected patterns it might confuse you. The dog has a very […]
April 26, 2022

Is Bird of Paradise Toxic to Cats?

Most people love the vibrant ornamental display that these plants offer to your home. Their glamour and lively colors make these flowers look like very colorful birds, but are they of any danger to your cat? Although Birds of paradise are lovely decorative houseplants, they can be really tough on […]
April 22, 2022

Can Cats Ingest Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)? Is it Toxic For Cats?

No, cats should never eat Aglaonema. Chinese Evergreens, also called Aglaonema are poisonous to not only cats but also dogs and horses. But what exactly makes them toxic and what should you do to protect your cat or other pets? The Aglaonema or Chinese evergreen is the name of a […]
April 21, 2022

Why Does My Cat Have Black Boogers?

Cats can also have clogged noses, just like humans can. It will usually end up either the mucus falling out or it clogging inside the nose and throat. The way the mucus looks will depend on what is the root cause because every situation is unique in its own way. […]
April 20, 2022

Can Dogs Get Knocked Out? How To Help Them Recover?

It is obvious that a dog will get hurt pretty badly if it gets in a high-impact accident. Still, a question some people ask is whether the dog will also get knocked out when getting hit. The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might expect, because each dog is unique […]
April 13, 2022

Why Is My Cat Depressed After Spay?

It is pretty wrong to assume that the cat has any understanding of its physical changes and is depressed because of them. Most of the time, it should only be considered a part of the recovery process. The anxiety-causing, frightening experience the cat has to go through during the surgery […]