December 11, 2022

Why Does My Horse Stumble?

Does your horse stumble while riding or walking? All horses stumble occasionally, just as we stumble sometimes, for no reason at all. Horses may stumble or trip over for a variety of different reasons. The most common reason is similar to why we also take the wrong step if the […]
December 10, 2022

Is Christmas Tree Poisonous to Your Cat, Dog or Other Pet?

When it comes to Christmas disasters and pets, most people think of a cat or a dog that breaks down the tree or ornaments. But what if a puppy or kitten eats from the tree? Is it toxic? Here are some examples of potential threats to pet safety that could […]
December 6, 2022

Do Cats Have Menopause?

Have you ever wondered if cats go through menopause the same way as humans do? And if they do, at what age? To understand how feline heat cycles work and how they compare to human fertility, you must first understand that because cats do not experience menstruation in the same […]
December 5, 2022

How Do You Know If Your Pet Bird Is Depressed?

Depression in pets is more common than you might think. You should constantly check for signs that your bird might show if it is in its usual state of cheerfulness. Many symptoms of depression can also indicate a disease, so it’s a good idea to visit your vet for a […]
December 5, 2022

How Powerful Is a Dog’s Sense of Smell?

When it comes to the sense of smell, dogs are definitely one big step ahead of us, humans. So, it’s not surprising that our four-legged friends often rely on their noses to perform important and even lifesaving tasks, from those who serve as police and military dogs that can sniff […]
November 29, 2022

Can Bleach Hurt My Dog?

Several products used around the house and in the house for disinfection and cleaning are extremely toxic to pets. Most cleaning products, as well as the disinfecting agents that are used to wash the streets, contain chemicals dangerous to pets. If your dog ingested any of these products, toxicity could […]
November 27, 2022

What To Do If the Mother Cat Refuses to Nurse?

Your cat went through pregnancy and gave birth to her kittens. Now it’s time for her to take care of her kittens, but for some reason, she won’t breastfeed them. Perhaps she has completely rejected one or more kittens or simply she is not sure how to breastfeed them properly. […]
November 25, 2022

Are Toads Poisonous to Dogs?

Every frog has the ability to produce toxins when they feel they are in danger, but many of them are not dangerous. However, there are some that can be incredibly toxic to your dog just a few minutes after exposure. There are two main categories of toxins that come from […]