Lisa Shelby

March 27, 2022

Can Goats Eat Kale? What About Arugula?

Kale is a leafy, dark-green vegetable, that will provide a multitude of nutrients when ingested. Arugula is part of the same family as Kale. You will find anything from antioxidants, iron, calcium, fibers, and even some vitamins in Kale. Goats can make use of any of these nutrients for healthy […]
March 27, 2022

What Do Mealworms Turn into? – A Mealworm’s Life-Cycle

Mealworms are considered a great food for reptiles, fish, but also chickens. They are a type of beetle. Some people also like to eat them and they are said to have a nutty flavor. Mealworms will generally go through four stages within one lifecycle: they will first be eggs, then […]
March 26, 2022

What Does Coyote Poop Look Like?

Most people usually have no problems with coyotes roaming around their homes because they consider these animals harmless and cute. The truth is that you shouldn’t be deceived by their looks because most of them are not just annoying, but also pretty dangerous (a lot more dangerous than your average […]
March 26, 2022

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grubs? Any Risks or Benefits?

We call grubs the larvae of beetles, but mostly from the Japanese beetle. They aren’t at all attractive in my opinion, with their six legs, dark abdomen, brown head, and that creamy, squishy body. This insect is around 2 inches long and feeds on plants. The Japanese beetle grubs aren’t […]
March 26, 2022

Can Cats Eat Guavas? What Are The Risks and Benefits?

Guavas were first discovered in Central America and are a type of tropical fruit. Their skin is a pale yellow in color and their inside is white, fleshy, and contains a lot of seeds that can be eaten. Guavas are known to offer humans all kinds of health benefits because […]
March 25, 2022

Can Dogs Drink Alkaline Water? Any Benefits or Side Effects?

Water is the most important element for each organism. Its lack leads to catastrophic consequences. We all know that one can survive without food for longer than without water. However, living in a world where access to healthy, pure spring water is difficult, we ask ourselves: What kind of water […]
March 25, 2022

Do Bull Terriers Shed?

Nicknamed “the kid costumed as a dog “, the Bull Terrier is a lively, active, and friendly dog, as well as one of the fun clowns from the dogs’ world. A great advantage of Bull Terrier dogs’ breed is that they do not shed so much compared to other dogs. […]
March 25, 2022

Can Goats Eat Mango? Any Risks or Benefits?

Many people enjoy eating mango, as this is a very healthy fruit, packed with nutrients. It is a pretty tasty fruit, regardless of how you choose to eat or cook it. Mangoes are great for people, that’s for sure. But can goats eat mango? The short answer is yes! Goats […]