Although most cat parents will treat their pets like children, they also ask themselves from time to time what is the real age of the cat in human years.
The good news is that this is actually pretty simple to figure out. It will only take some simple math or, if you’re not really into numbers, you can take look at the chart I added below.
How to Calculate Your Cat’s Age in Human Years
It will be quite tricky at first, especially if it’s your first time doing the math. This is mostly due to how fast cats develop within their first two years of life, reaching what is believed to be the mid-20s in human years by the time they are 2. You might be inclined to say that at least they fly over the God-awful puberty period, but I’m sure you have some great memories from your childhood.
So let’s go into more details a bit: A cat reaching the age of 1 will basically be 15 years old in human years. By the age of two, the cat reaches the astonishing age of 25 in humans years. After this, things will be slightly easier. With each year in your cat’s life, you will add four human years. So if your cat is three years old, then her age will be 29 in human years. At 4 years of age, your cat will be 33 human years, while a five-year cat will be 37 in human years. This goes on and on until the cat passes away. A 20-year-old cat will have an impressive age of 97 in human years.
You might also like my article on conversions between dog years and human years.
Cats will have an universal formula for human year calculation because regardless of their breed, they will usually be similar in size. Things are different when it comes to dogs, which have different equivalents for human age depending on their actual size.
Check out the chart below to get an idea of your cat’s age in human years.
Cat Age Calculator Chart
How Many Years Do Cats Live on Average?
It’s not uncommon for a cat to get to almost 100 human years, which means a real age of 20 in cat years. This is especially true for domestic cats with a healthy lifestyle and a family that loves them. There is even a case of a cat that has managed to get to the impressive age of 31.
Although you can never be sure that the cat you’re raising will reach this impressive age, there are some things that if you do properly, will make it live quite a lot. There are three big things that will influence the life of your cat, along with some smaller ones as well. But let’s focus on the big ones, shall we? I’m talking about heredity, nutrition, and the environment.
When it comes to heredity, if you already have a cat, there’s not a lot you can do about it. Instead, you can have a big impact on your cat’s life if you give her the safest environment possible. This also includes limiting the amount of time the cat spends outside, where she has to face all kinds of dangers, like parasites, vehicles, or predators.
Nutrition is, of course, as for humans, a big factor in how much your pet will live. To give her the best diet possible, talk to your vet about this.
At what age would a kitten turn into a cat?
It’s amazing how fast cats grow in their first year of life.
Some experts go as far as to say that this first year will mean both the struggles of a newborn and the hard puberty period for a cat.
This is why it is very important to know exactly how to care for a kitten and get all of the essentials even before bringing the small pet inside your home.
When can you say your cat is a teenager?
You’ll surely have fewer signs than in the case of a child, but as a general rule, as soon as the cat turns 1 and will usually last for a few months from thereon.
After this, you can consider your cat a young adult.
How Old Is an Adult Cat?
As soon as they celebrate their first birthday, cats will be considered young adults by human standards. This is when their bodies are close to their maximum physical development, but their minds will still have a lot to go.
The mental maturity will still have to develop quite a bit, while their physical maturity will reach a state that can be considered final.
You can expect their brains to catch up closer to their second year of life, and this is also when they will be considered adults.
When will a cat become a Senior?
Cats can be considered seniors when they reach the old age of 11 years. This is the equivalent of 60 in human years. This is when their way of life will get calmer, they’ll move slower, and they’ll sleep more.