Apart from their mystical appearance, luna moths are very beautiful creatures, with transparent eyespots and pale green wings.
They are part of the giant silk moths even though they look pretty different than the common moths you probably see all the time.
They have an average wingspan of 114mm but can also reach around 180mm in certain conditions. You might not think this is a lot until you actually see one, but trust me, they are impressive. The Luna moth actually means “Moon moth” in Latin.
The main reason behind the symbolism that surrounds them is the fact that after almost a year of growing from an egg to larvae and then a pupa, they will only spend around 10 days as adults before disappearing forever.
The way in which a Luna moth’s life develops will usually symbolize new beginnings, life cycles, the brevity of life, transformation, and more. For most people, this moth is the strongest and most mystical of all the animal totems to encounter throughout their lives.
A luna moth’s life will be very similar to ours. Just like them, we live most of our lives transforming and becoming the better versions of ourselves, to just enjoy the state of enlightenment for a very short time.
Luna moths should remind us of how fast our life will pass and we should see their journey as a reflection of our own. We should make their experience a reminder to always enjoy our lives and live them to the fullest.
This article will give you different meanings and symbolism around the Luna moth.
Why makes the Luna Moth special?
Before getting deeper into what the Luna moth actually means and what makes it unique, let’s get a better understanding of its life cycle.
A Luna moth’s path will begin as an egg that is bound to hatch in about 2 weeks.
It is followed by the phase in which it transforms into a larva. This stage shouldn’t last more than 8 weeks. This is followed by yet another transformation, this time into a pupa. I will stay as a pupa for close to nine months and only after that it will transform into an adult, developed Luna moth.
For some people, the thought that a moth will spend so much time growing and transforming only to enjoy the adult life which comes with the perk of flying for about 10 days is pretty depressing.
If you think about it, the whole life of a moth, with all its cycles, will, in the end, be spent to become the best version, the flying one. This hits a nerve with people that are trying to become better individuals, that go through a spiritual transformation, that feel that they still haven’t reached their full potential.
This is basically why a Luna moth is special. But what about the different meanings of a Luna moth?
The importance of leaving the past behind
Some cultures will consider any Luna moth sighting as a sign from the universe. The message it would probably want to send your way is to embrace you from the present and forget about you from the past.
It can also be interpreted as a sign that you should embrace the unknown future and get rid of all of your problems.
The brevity of life
As a Luna moth reaches its adulthood, it will only have a short time to live life to the fullest. This is a great reminder of how short our life really is. It makes us understand that each second of our life is important and should be enjoyed to the max.
It shows us with every stroke of its wings that our life is the best thing to ever happen to us. We hold in our hands the power to do whatever we like with our own lives.
The Transformation
If you take a deeper look inside yourself you will notice that you’re very different than the person you were a few years back. It took all of the experiences, good or bad, to get you to this point in your life.
Doesn’t it seem exactly like the life of a Luna moth? It too will go through a thorough transformation, not always enjoyable, to reach its final, beautiful winged form.
A winged moth will enjoy its final form for only 10 days and will work a lot of months to get there, and will still be OK with this life. They should remind us to enjoy our lives, ignore the small issues, and be happy with the lives we have.
The intense transformation of a Luna moth, from an egg that seems lifeless to a beautiful flying moth, also makes us think of resurrection.
A Luna moth will also bring luck
It won’t be easy to find a Luna moth, even though they aren’t considered a rare species to find.
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They are nocturnal. They will spend most of the night flying and then most of the day sleeping. You will get only a handful of opportunities to see one flying during the daytime.
This means that if you see one while the Sun is still up, then you are a lucky individual. This is why it is considered that a Luna moth in the daytime will bring you luck.
But what would a Luna moth mean spiritually?
Although moths, in general, will have a similar symbolism as butterflies, a Luna moth will mean completely different things. Butterflies are daytime creatures while Luna moths are nocturnal, which means that their spiritual meanings will contradict.
As I already said before, a Luna moth will do all of its activities during the night and in complete darkness, having a completely nocturnal life. This means that they will use their sensory perception instead of their eyes to guide themselves.
The Luna moth is seen as a spiritual totem that would make someone open up, recognize their vulnerabilities, make them listen to the inner voice instead of what their eyes tell them, and trust their own instincts. This part is very important in any individual’s life journey.
The Luna moth and determination as a quality
All moths are attracted to light and things that emanate light and heat. Moths will continue to move forward even if their efforts would sometimes be in vain and dangerous. A moths determination and unmoved faith is something that inspires a lot of people.
What you should know at this point is that a moth won’t just fly stupidly into the light. It will instead stay vigilant while moving towards it. This is a great way for us to understand that we should stay vigilant throughout our journey and stay guided by our intuition.
The way in which a Luna moth will go into the light and lose its life without turning back should teach us to always find grounding in our actions and never go on a road guided only by blind faith. Most of the time, during an important journey, be it physical or spiritual, listening to the signs that surround us would be very helpful.
If we don’t want to lose our lives while going blindly into the light just like the moth, it will be very important to adjust our course as parameters change.
What is the meaning of finding a Luna moth inside your house?
Most of the time, a moth inside your home will mean one of the two things: Either it is attracted to the smell of rotten fruits or other types of food inside the kitchen or it will be because it found a light in the night’s darkness.
Moths, in general, will be a symbol of bad luck, especially when found inside your house. This is mostly because people don’t like moths all that much.
It’s pretty hard to interpret the meaning of moths, symbolism is often conflicting. It is very important to see if moths seem to be drawn to you and when exactly they started to pop up in your life.
Below you’ll find some meanings for when you find a Luna moth inside your home.
- A Luna moth might mean that you should try to focus more on your goals and stop overthinking about the past, setbacks, or other bad experiences. Associate this with how a Luna moth will stay focussed on its path, without thinking about the past.
- A luna moth will be attracted to light just like any other species of moth. If you notice that a Luna moth is drawn to you, it means that you have a bright aura, which is a sign that you’re a good person.
- Luna moths fly with their wings wide open even though they are very vulnerable and easy hurt. If you’re in a vulnerable phase of your life and you see this creature, it means that you should embrace your vulnerabilities and not try to hide them.
- Seeing this type of moth inside your house could also mean that you will go through a long transformation, just like a Luna Moth has to go through its long metamorphosis period.
- Some people also consider this encounter as a sign from the universe that is trying to tell you that you should change your life’s path.
Final words
Encountering a Luna moth can mean a lot of things and you should trust your instincts on what it should mean in your particular situation.
Before making any fast assumptions you should calm your mind, take a breath, remove emotions from the equation, and just listen to the universe.