When we say intelligence, we mean more or less the ability to find solutions to problems that arise. Originally, humans believed that they were the only intelligent beings and considered themselves superior. Animals also have a degree of intelligence, which although we can’t compare to the one in humans, still often surprises us.
The ability or intellect of animals has long been underestimated. Often they have impressed us when it turned out that animals can repeat sentences, solve logical exercises, or express their needs and emotions in a very clear way. Let’s continue to see some of the animals that amaze us with their intelligence.
Numbering is made for easier identification
1. The monkeys
Some of the most intelligent animals are monkeys. These animals, which are split into so many known species, have proven through numerous studies and research that they have very much in common with humans apart from appearance and gestures. Communication through language, emotions, and the ability to solve problems prove that they are among the most intelligent animals.
2. Dolphins
Along with monkeys, they have shown amazing intelligence. They may recognize faces and the language of symbols and have different personalities. They are very easily trained, just like any intelligent animal.
At the beginning of life, each dolphin creates a unique vocal whistle that gives it an individual identity. Because the sound of each dolphin is unique, they can call each other, communication being the equivalent of calling each other by name between people.
Dolphins are able to get attached and help their wounded or sick peers, raising them to get them to the surface of the water so that they can breathe. Dolphins are known for helping fishermen. Through specific sounds, they warn fishermen that it is time to throw their nets and guide them to the places where there are fish.
3. The dog
A man’s best friend can be as smart as a 2-year-old. It can understand up to 250 words and gestures, make simple calculations, and count up to 5.
4. The cow
Who would have thought the cow was smart? She may not know how to exercise, but she is definitely influenced by certain things. The cows are happy if they listen to good music. If you take care of them and put on their classical music, they will give you more milk.
If you put two songs for them, they won’t get you 5 liters of milk on the first milking. It is said that classical music can calm them down. So, music and proper care can increase the milk production of cows. Researchers say cows can be depressed for months.
5. The horse
Horses are often underestimated. It is clear that man is smarter than horse. But even though the horse may not be the smartest, it’s definitely not stupid. It has a visual memory and an enviable loyalty. You just need to know how to talk to it and how to care for it.
6. Elephants
The elephant is one of the most intelligent animals on Earth. The brain of elephants is larger than the brain of any other terrestrial animal, and the cortex has as many neurons as the human brain. The ability of elephants to learn is impressive, and they are also self-aware and can recognize themselves in mirrors. In the wild, these highly social animals demonstrate compassion and empathy through behavior. They are the only large mammals living on the ground that communicate using seismic signals.
They are worshiped from ancient times and are known for their memory. It is called “elephant memory”. Researchers have found that elephants are able to join forces to solve certain “problems” and the solutions they find are quite amazing.
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An incredible moment took place on November 15, 2001, in India. Nearly 100 elephants were in circles next to one that was rolling with tears in its eyes. So, elephants can cry. Apart from their incredible memories, they have strong feelings for family and close ones.
They can use various objects without being taught. There are many stories about their intelligence, such as using leaves as a fan. In India, they were educated to paint.
7. Ravens and crows
Ravens have the largest brain of all birds. I personally saw dozens of logic tests that they successfully solved to get food. They can make the difference between large and small, wide and narrow, round and square, liquid and solid, etc., and they make and use various tools. It is one of the most intelligent birds, if not the most intelligent.
They can count and make complex decisions. They are manipulative, letting other animals do the work for them, then stealing the benefits. Urban ravens and crows put walnuts on the street to be crushed by cars. Then they go eat their core. Some scientists believe that crows are smarter than primates.
The brain of a crow is the size of a human finger, which is huge compared to the size of the body. This puts their intelligence on the same level as primates’ intelligence and gives them the ability to solve complex problems. Scientists have found that the crow recognizes and remembers individual human faces.
8. The octopus
An octopus has about 130 million neurons in its brain, while a human has 100 billion neurons. Three-fifths of the octopus’ neurons are not in the brain but in the arms. Each arm has a mind of its own, and if it is cut off it will move away from the rest of the body and even continue to seek food by itself.
Cephalopods in general, but especially octopuses, are the most intelligent invertebrates. They can learn through observation, repetition, and trial, skills that many vertebrates do not have.
Like cats, they are very curious and playful. They are not very active, but when they move, they consume a lot of energy to solve various problems they face.
9. The cuckoo
The cuckoo is as clever as it is sly. Everyone knows that they lay their eggs in the nest of other birds to be hatched. After they are born, they get rid of the half-siblings by throwing them out of the nest.
10. The pig
We dislike pigs because of their smell and the mud they make, but we love a good roast. Even if it seems unbelievable, pigs recognize their own names and can be trained like dogs. They can understand and execute a series of commands. They are said to be sensitive, emotional, and easily bored. Besides, they squeal and communicate in over 20 ways, listen to music, the females sing to their offspring, and even dream.
11. The bees
They use the sun as a compass, they learn sounds, colors, and places, and they have a sense of time. They also have a language, known as the bee dance, through which they communicate distance, height, and quality of food.
12. The rat
Although it is not loved by many people, its intelligence is appreciated. It is used not only as a lab rat but also for intelligence. The rat is known for its ability to discover shortcuts, escape routes, and detours. In China, it is recognized for its ability to adapt and skills. If you think about it, they’ve colonized all the continents on Terra.
Studies show that rats are surprisingly self-aware and have the ability to dream, like humans. Pet rats are highly social and form strong bonds with their owners. They learn their names and come when called, they ask to get out of the cage to play and interact with their owners.
13. The parrot
Parrots are especially appreciated for their coloring and ability to imitate. Few know that a parrot can recognize several hundred images even after a few years, recognize itself in the mirror, and can be taught several commands and types of movements. It can learn words and differentiate between objects.
Parrots of the African gray species seem to have some understanding of causality and use it to reason about the world. African Grays also show their intelligence through their counting and vocalizing skills.
14.Spider Portia labiata
It is considered an intelligent creature because laboratory tests have found that it has the ability to learn things and the amazing ability to devise strategies, guided by a very good native instinct and strong cognitive abilities. To catch prey, it tends to sit still for hours, observe its movement very well, then attack it at the right time and catch it every time without fail.
15. Ants
Their behavior shows that they have the ability to plan their survival, in the sense of gathering food and storing it, beyond meeting their immediate needs. Some species gather leaves, take them to colonies, on which they grow mushrooms, and then eat them. This way of cultivation shows the need to plan and anticipate, so they are intelligent creatures.
They must provide a place in the colony where they can store the leaves, then they must be sown and the waste must be disposed of. Moreover, ants make sure that the leaves are not contaminated so that the food they will eat later is of good quality. Although it seems simple, this process requires intelligence on their part and the ability to anticipate and think in the future.
16. Raccoons
Raccoons are among the world’s smartest animals. They have the ability to adapt well to any environment, they are sympathetic as pets, and they get to look for food around human settlements (in garbage bins) if necessary. They can also be creative, as they can use certain objects to get out of certain difficult situations, and they can learn certain actions, and reproduce them through training.
17. The pigeon
Pigeons are also included in the list of the most intelligent animals. Studies show that pigeons are able to learn mathematical rules. Pigeons are also able to recognize individual people, most likely by their facial features.