How Long Do Horses Usually Live? How Can You Tell Their Age?

Black And White Horse

Just like humans, thanks to a better understanding of health and medical care, horses live longer than ever. Not long ago, the age of 25 was considered old for a horse. Now, the life expectancy of horses has increased, mainly because people take better care of them. Most of us would like our fellow horses to stay with us for as long as possible.

How long do horses live?

What is the average lifespan of a horse? With better veterinary care, horses live longer than ever, just as better health care prolongs people’s lives. You can expect a healthy horse to live over 25 years. A horse that lives more than 30 years is no longer unusual. Depending on the breed, care, and environment, a domestic horse can live between 25 and 30 years. Some breeds can live 40 years or more. They are raised as traction animals, and the people who raise them usually know how to properly care for them.

It is important to note that not all horses age alike, and not all need the same kind of care. Thus, depending on the breed and activity of the animal, it can live longer or not.

How old is the oldest horse?

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Thanks to a better understanding of health and medical care, horses live longer than ever. This is also the case of Old Billy, from the 19th century, who lived up to 62 years. Sugar Puff also entered the record book for the oldest living pony. He died in 2007 at the age of 56. Not long ago, the age of 25 was considered advanced for a horse.

How long does a horse live, depending on the breed?

When asked how long the horses live on average, breeders and hippologists, experts in the study of horses, respond differently. Some say that horses live on average between 25 and 30 years, while others say that the average life of a horse is 35-40 years. You need to understand that there is no number for all horses, as you cannot compare a horse raised in the wild with a domestic Mare, or a horse bred for specialized exhibitions. The same is true for a horse race or equestrian stallion.

The life span of a horse will vary depending on the breed

Given all these conditions, the average life span of a horse can be designated by a frame of 15 to 40 years. But not all individuals survive to reach old age. An interesting fact is that depending on the breed, the lifespan will vary.

Working domestic horses live on average up to 20-25 years. How much a horse will work, will depend largely on the owner. The better the conditions created for the horse and the more caring the owner is, the more the pet will be able to settle for health and longevity. Genetics and individual endurance also play an important role.

Sports horses live 5-7 years longer than working horses. But in this case, the result of physical activity plays an important role. If the horse does not hurt itself and in its daily routine a lot of time is allocated for rest and recovery after the races, such a stallion has every chance to reach old age. The main thing is not to bring the animal to exhaustion. There are cases when some owners of the equestrian business exhaust their horses to such an extent that they suffer from a heart attack at a fairly young and productive age. Sometimes a horse that is not useful and becomes unprofitable is simply euthanized.

Horses raised in a horse ranch can live up to 35 years. They get to have more attention and care. This is because these animals are valuable examples of breeding. High-blood breeds, such as Arab horses or Akhal-Teke, are centenarians. Such horses, due to their profitability, receive early and high-quality treatment in case of problems.

Because they have a calm and measured lifestyle, ponies live up to 30 to 38 years. In their case, it’s all about training, sports, and care. Unfortunately, some breeders are very dependent on training, and the animals die of physical exhaustion, getting seriously ill.

Life expectancy in the wild and in stables

Farm HorseThere is a difference between how many years horses live in a domestic environment and how many in the wild. In natural conditions, wild horses die early because they have to fight for survival.

So, out of the entire annual litter of wild horses, only 30% of all individuals reach full maturity. Most young foals get in the teeth of predators. Accidental injuries in wild horses are also a common cause of death. A sick horse cannot follow the herd, cannot ensure the safety of the herd, and also cannot provide food and drink.

What does affect the life expectancy of a horse?

How long a horse lives can be influenced by several factors. These include breed and incurable hereditary diseases.

Horses need to be cleaned and dried because these things give them comfort. If they stay wet for a longer period of time, diseases will not delay appearing. Also, a horse should not be excessively trained, as several foot problems may occur. However, training must exist so the horse won’t develop atrophy of muscles.

It is important to note that a balanced and high-quality diet prolongs the life of the animal. On the other hand, a lack of vitamins or moldy foods can lead to illness or even death.

At the first sign of a disease, the horse should be taken immediately to the veterinarian. Regular checks are also required, as well as vaccines and other essential procedures.

The main guidelines that ensure the longevity of horses are:

  • quality care and proper maintenance;
  • adequate and healthy nutrition;
  • horse’s breed;
  • attitude toward domestic or wild horses;
  • their domestic purpose: for work, for sports, for horse racing, for horse breeding.

Signs of aging in horses

If you have a mature horse, it is advisable to watch for signs of aging, so you know when you will need to treat it as a senior animal. Not all horses age alike, and not all will need the same kind of care. Here are some signs of aging in horses that you need to keep in mind so you can offer them the best care.

The age of horses compared to the age of men

Several graphs and calculations were created in an attempt to compare the age of a horse with the human one. This is difficult to do, because the rate of maturity and aging in horses, and humans is very different.

How can you determine the age of horses by their teeth?

If you don’t know the date of your horse’s birth, one way to tell his age is through its teeth. Determining the age of a horse by looking at its teeth is not accurate, but it will tell you the approximate age. The teeth of the horses erupt on the surface of the gum almost their entire life, until the tooth itself is completely worn out.

Final words!

Many factors affect the life span of a horse. Horse breeders know them and try to hold on to them because this makes it possible to maximize the lives of horses.

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