October 17, 2022

The Guinea Pig Lifespan

Guinea pigs through their playful nature are among the best pets in the world. To date, 5 main species are known; Cavia Aperea from Central and South America, Cavia Fulgida from East Brazil, Cavia Nana from Bolivia, Cavia Taschudii from Peru, and Cavia Porcellus (domestically) from South America. How long […]
September 19, 2022

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon? Are There Any Risks?

Watermelon is a refreshing fruit and a perfect summer treat for us humans. But is it safe to feed it to your hamster? Yes, it is! All types of hamsters, including dwarf hamsters and Syrians, can safely have watermelon in their diet, but in moderation. If you want to learn […]
September 9, 2022

Can Hamsters Eat Fresh Fruit?

The diet of a hamster should be based on food prepared from dry seeds, wet seeds, nuts, and green foods. However, veterinarians always recommend supplementing the diet with a small amount of fruit and vegetables that are suitable for them, as these products contain nutrients and protein hamsters need. So, […]
June 19, 2022

Can Hamsters Eat Grapes?

You might prepare tasty fruits for your hamster and wonder if it’s good to add grapes to the mixture. If you have other pets, such as dogs, cats, and rats, then you may already know that grapes are toxic for those pets. The difference is that grapes are not harmful […]
June 6, 2022

What Do Hamsters Eat – Foods They Actually Enjoy

One of the best foods you can give to these critters is in fact a well-balanced hamster mix. Even so, if you want to own one as a pet, you should have a good understanding of what kinds of foods are actually safe for a hamster. Hamsters are a type […]
May 31, 2022

Taking Care of a Hairless Pet Rat

Are you considering getting a hairless rat as a pet? Then you should really know what you’re getting into because these rats will require some extra care when compared to other breeds of rats. However, this article will come in your help and will help you understand the hairless rat […]
May 24, 2022

Can Ferrets Eat Fruit?

Through their cute looks and hectic nature, ferrets have won the hearts of many animal lovers around the world and are among the ten most popular pets. Those who are thinking of buying this wonderful animal are naturally interested in how to feed the ferret at home. Can ferrets eat […]