October 11, 2022

What Should You Do if Your Dog Ate a Pen

If you have a dog, you know it will eat everything around, without much of a filter. And I`m talking about anything from socks to toys and even pencils, as well as anything else you might see around the house. The way in which dogs can eat anything that fits […]
October 11, 2022

Silver or Charcoal Labrador?

Even though Labradors come in three different coat colors, black, chocolate, and yellow these colors can still dilute into a few different colors like silver and charcoal. While silver Labradors will result from the dilution of the chocolate-colored dogs, Charcoal Labradors are a type of from black Labradors. Being members […]
October 11, 2022

Why Does My Dog Have Black and White Nails?

There are actually quite a few reasons why the nails of your dog will change color becoming either white or black. Although this might seem like a minor symptom, you should try to find its cause and address the health issue behind it, to make sure it doesn’t get worse. […]
October 10, 2022

Mucus in Dog Poop

Most owners have an idea of what their dog’s poop normally looks like, and any abnormal appearance can cause them concern or confusion. While mucus in a dog’s poop is a fairly common finding and isn’t always worrying, it can sometimes mean that there is a problem that needs to […]
October 10, 2022

What To Do If an Object Is Stuck in A Dog’s Throat

Dogs are especially curious and greedy, at every moment sniffing something with their noses and picking up objects they find interesting with their mouths. In these circumstances, blocking the airways with foreign objects is not a rare situation. A lot of dogs get to the emergency room every year because […]
October 9, 2022

What To Do About a Broken Dew Claw That’s Not Bleeding?

Dew claws can be found inside the feet of your dog and are the smallest toes of the pet. These toes bear no weight and will often get broken or cracked because they are very prone to injuries. Although most of the time an injury related to dew claws will […]
October 6, 2022

How Old Does a Dog Have To Be to Breed?

Dog breeding is a complex process that usually begins with courtship. Both males and females emit signals to make the other know that they are ready for mating and copulation accordingly. Dogs reach puberty between 6 and 24 months, the age at which females will begin to have an estrous […]
October 6, 2022

How Long Should a Puppy Be in a Crate?

Many people refuse to teach their animals to stay in a cage because they consider it an inhuman practice. However, a dog cage, a crate, can give dogs a sense of safety. Whether you’re planning to go on a day trip, go shopping, or have fun for a few hours, […]