Raspberries are the perfect combination between sweet, tangy, and tart, and one of the most delicious treats in my opinion. They are an all-natural food that is pretty difficult to replace.
But some questions still stand: Can Rabbits eat Raspberries? What happens if you give a rabbit raspberries? How many of these tasty fruits can you actually give to a rabbit before being enough?
The short answer is yes, rabbits can eat raspberries and most of the time they will actually offer a bunny most of the nutrients they will need for proper development. There are some things to keep in mind, so don’t get too excited just yet.
The next part of the article will give you all the information you will need to make an informed decision on whether you should feed your rabbit raspberries.
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Raspberry Nutritional Stats
Just one cup serving of fresh, ripe raspberries will be enough to give you:
- .8 g fat
- 5 g protein
- 8 g fiber
- 14/7 g carbohydrates
- 64 calories
The most important aspect you should get from the list above is that raspberries are some of the lowest-calorie fruits you will find. This is one of the main reasons why they are so popular all around the world.
Raspberries Nutritional Facts
Fresh raspberries are very healthy for you and most pets, even bunnies. They are tasty as well, which makes them super-food.
Along with the benefits from the list above, one cup of red berries will also come with:
- 1 mg choline
- 8 mcg folate
- 6 mcg vitamin K
- 7 mg calcium
- 7 mg phosphorus
- .1 mg copper
- .4 mg pantothenic acid
- 1 mg magnesium
- .8 mg manganese
- .1 mg vitamin B6
- 2 mg vitamin C
- 186 mg potassium
- 6 IU vitamin A
Taking into account all that I have said so far, yes, rabbits can be fed raspberries. These fruits are in fact very high on the list of the best foods your rabbit can consume, especially considering their very low sugar content.
Keep in mind that you will want to give the fruits a very good rinse before you give them to your pet, to make sure you remove any impurities or parasites.
Are Raspberries Good For Rabbits?
The answer is, again, yes, raspberries are great for rabbits. Not only will they enjoy the taste of these fruits, but they would also take advantage of the high amount of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and high amount of fiber, all of which will contribute to the bunny’s general health.
The body of a rabbit will use the high number of antioxidants just as human bodies do, in the fight against free radicals that damage cells. Antioxidants are also known to improve the health of both human hearts and the hearts of pets. The most abundant antioxidant found in raspberries is anthocyanin.
The pet will also use the magnesium found in these fruits. Magnesium will help greatly in preventing any bladder sludge in rabbits, which usually forms in the presence of an excess of calcium.
Even though these fruits are a great source of magnesium for your bunny, they shouldn’t make up for the biggest part of the pet’s diet. You should consider feeding it other foods as well, like pellets or hay.
Do Rabbits Even Like Raspberries?
Yes, there is no reason for a rabbit to not like raspberries. It might even become one of its favorite treats if you don’t give them too many for too long.
How Many Raspberries Can A Rabbit Eat?
There are some limits to how many raspberries a rabbit should be eating per serving, even though overall these fruits won’t hurt the pet.
Here’s how many raspberries to feed a rabbit:
Age | Amount |
Adult rabbits | 2 large raspberries or 3 to 4 small raspberries per serving |
Juvenile rabbits | None |
Baby rabbits | None |
You can safely give your rabbit a full serving of 2 big raspberries or 3 to 4 smaller ones if your rabbit has eaten this fruit before without experiencing allergic reactions.
As with any new food, you should gradually introduce it into the bunny’s diet if it’s the first time you’re giving it this fruit.
Just a half of raspberry should be enough for a first-time serving. You should then take 24 hours for assessing the situation, time in which you would look for any signs of allergic reactions, diarrhea, bloating, or any discomfort.
If nothing bad happens, the next time you will be able to offer it a full raspberry and from there on, the bunny can receive a full serving each and every time.
How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Raspberries?
Although everything I have said up until this point might make raspberries seem like something you should give your rabbit every day, this isn’t really the case.
You should try to only feed your rabbit with raspberries a maximum of 3 times per week and these feedings shouldn’t coincide with days on which you’re giving it other fruits or vegetables.
You can have days in which you feed your pet with multiple types of fruits, but when you do this, you should reduce the general size of servings so that combined, all of the fruits will only be around 2 1 teaspoon per 2 pounds of the pet’s weight.
Always go for a healthy diet
You will have a healthier rabbit that enjoys a longer life if you feed it properly and try to create a balanced diet, similar to what it would want to eat in the wild, in its natural environment.
And rabbits won’t stay away from raspberries when they can find them in the wild. These animals will also eat a bunch of small plants and grasses when they are able to find them.
Below you will find a list of foods that your pet will surely like:
- Fresh hay – any amount
- Fresh water – as much as the rabbit can have – keep your bunny’s drinking bottle full of fresh water as much as possible
- Premium-quality rabbit food – when buying pet food, always check its label to ensure it only comes with premium ingredients and to learn exactly how much you should give the pet per serving
- Just one cup of fresh veggies and leafy greens per 2 pounds of the pet’s weight
- Occasional treats – in limited amounts
- No more than one tablespoon of seeds like sunflower or pumpkin seeds, and only if they aren’t part of your rabbit’s daily diet
Frequently Asked Questions
Are raspberries safe for rabbits?
Yes, most rabbits can have raspberries and will actually love them. The most important aspect when feeding your pet raspberries is to make sure they are properly washed before getting in the food bowl. Wash them even if they are organic, as they could still have traces of fertilizer or other debris on them.
Can raspberries make a rabbit sick?
Yes. Even if you find it hard to believe, rabbits can, in fact, get sick from raspberries. This shouldn’t worry you though, because this is something that shouldn’t happen if you give your rabbit raspberries in normal amounts. As long as you stick to the recommended amount and you’re sure your pet isn’t allergic to them, raspberries shouldn’t cause it to get sick.
Can rabbits have raspberry leaves?
Yes, your rabbit can safely eat raspberry leaves. These leaves are, in fact, very healthy for a rabbit. If you have a way of getting your hands on raspberry leaves that you’re sure are not sprayed with chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides, you can offer them to your bunny regularly. Keep in mind that these, as well, should be properly washed before being eaten by the pet.
Can my rabbit have frozen raspberries?
No, your rabbit shouldn’t eat frozen raspberries. This is because usually, these will contain a lot of additives and an added amount of sugar, which makes them bad for pets in general. If you’ve frozen the raspberries yourself or you know that the frozen raspberries have nothing else added, then you can give them to your rabbit, following the same recommended serving size.
Can rabbits eat dried raspberries?
Yes, rabbits can eat dried raspberries, as long as they have no preservatives or added sugar. These should only be offered in small servings, though.