Brussels sprouts are vegetables that grow on a stalk, in clusters. Their size is similar to apples, round and green.
Most of the time, Brussels sprouts will be steamed or boiled before being eaten. You can eat them with shredded cheese and bacon bits, or with salt, pepper, and butter.
Can goats eat Brussel sprouts?
Yes, goats can eat Brussels sprouts in moderation pretty safely. In fact, you will have to make sure they eat brussels sprouts in moderation, as they tend to munch uncontrollably on this plant’s stems and leaves. The goitrogens in the Brussels sprout plants are so many that they can actually interfere with the animal’s thyroid functions and its iodine uptake.
Most people consider goats eaters of anything and everything but that’s not really the case. What you’ll notice is that there are goats that would enjoy eating Brussel sprouts, while others, from the same species, will not.
But as it turns out, most goats will have no problem eating Brussels sprouts.
The Brussels sprouts plant is part of the Brassica family. This family of plants will also include cauliflower, kales, and even cabbage.
You might also like my articles on whether goats can eat strawberries or peaches, and whether cats can eat sausage.
Although goats in general like most plants, it would be a good idea to feed them with specific plants in moderation to make sure you keep your animal away from some health problems.
Some discussions on thegoatspot forum went into detail about feeding goats with Brussels Sprouts. Some goats get really boated from this specific vegetable. Experienced owners claim that this will usually happen from overfeeding goats with Brussels shoots.
You should consider Brussels sprouts as treats for your goat and only offer them as treats, from time to time.
Another common issue that is associated with overeating of these plants is the urine becoming discolored. The glucosinolate in the Brussels sprout plant is also toxic to goats.
Nutritional Value of 100 Grams Brussel Sprout
Calories | 43 |
Carbohydrates | 9 grams |
Protein | 3.4 grams |
Fiber | 3.8 grams |
Vitamin C | 65 mg |
Potassium | 389 mg |
Vitamin K | 60 mcg |
Folate | 3 mcg |
Folate | 150 mcg |
Are Brussels Sprouts Good for Goats
Brussels sprouts offer some considerable benefits like building stronger bones, preventing the creation of blood clots, protecting against heart diseases, along other similar health benefits. This is due to the vitamins found in this plant.
Brussels sprouts will contain a lot of vitamins like vitamin K and vitamin C, but also manganese, fiber, and a considerable amount of protein.
This plant will also help improve blood circulation and will reduce inflammation inside the body due to its abundant antioxidants. Not only that, but it also contains lycopene and other similar compounds, that protect against free radicals.
These sprouts also feature isothiocyanate, a substance that will also help the goat’s body push food and waste through its gastrointestinal tract.
What Vegetables Can Goats Eat?
You should try to remember that although goats will munch on most vegetables, there are a few that would damage their general health. In this category, we find vegetables like onions, which are attributed to the Nightshade family and are very toxic to these animals.
You can find below some alternatives to Brussels sprouts that would be perfect for your goat.
- Celery
- Carrots
- Peas
- Beans
- Corn
- Squash
- Pumpkins
Although there are some other vegetables that goats will happily eat, the most important ones are in the list above. These vegetables can become a part of your goat’s diet without any worry, as they are very nutritious.