Also known as the Mexican Walking Fish, the Axolotl is a neotenic salamander. It is a close relative of the Tiger Salamander. This creature is an amphibian, even though everyone knows it as a walking fish. It is far from what we’d call a fish.
Axolotls are pretty different from most amphibians. They reach adulthood and won’t undergo metamorphosis. They will stay aquatic and filled all throughout their lives instead of developing lungs. They have wide heads and external gills.
Even though Axolotls are not seen as very popular pets, they can surely be considered unique pets to have. They are pretty easy to care for and are hardy as well. This is one of the best pets to have if only for this reason alone. You don’t need a lot of experience to keep them properly.
In recent years, axolotls have become quite the hype inside the exotic community. They won’t get out of the water so much throughout their entire lives. Do you think an Axolotl will be the right choice for you? Find out more about these amphibians below, to know if they are right for you.
Things To Keep In Mind Before Having A Pet Axolotl
>Its Housing/Aquarium
If you think this is the pet for you, then you should get it an aquarium that is at least 18 inches in length, if not more. Usually, a 20-gallon aquarium should be enough for the average adult axolotl.
You should avoid filling the entire tank with water because if you do so, it might overflow from the movement of the amphibian. You will only have to add water until you cover the axolotl just a little.
You will have to add a substrate of either sand or rocks on the bottom of glass tanks because Axolotls have a really hard time gripping to glass surfaces. Using standard aquarium gravel for an axolotl is also a bad idea because the small pieces of gravel can get stuck in your pet’s gut and lead to issues in the long run.
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Most professional Axolotl tanks will use an aggregate coated in a polymer as gravel. This type of gravel is perfect, especially considering that it will not release chemicals into the water, which otherwise would cause harm to the pet.
You won’t need to set up a filtration system for your axolotl if you are willing to put in some extra work and change the water yourself on a regular basis. If you don’t want to have any extra tasks on your hands, then you can go for either a canister or a hang-on type of filter. A filter won’t be necessary if you have the needed time to change the filter every week.
Lighting system
You won’t have to get any special lights for your pet as Axolotls can live with no issues in complete darkness. A normal fluorescent light for an aquarium will be more than enough for it.
Heating system
You should keep the water in the aquarium at around 60 degrees because Axolotls like to live in cold waters. This can be maintained perfectly in most homes without the need of any heating or cooling system.
You can decorate the aquarium however you like and depending on what you go for, the prices will differ. You can add any type of decorations like plastic plants, caves, or rocks, which would offer a nice environment for your pet and will also be appealing for you.
Pet Axolotl Feeding
The diet of axolotls should be meat-based, as they are carnivores to the bone. They also swallow their food whole, which means that you should give them only food they can swallow in one bite. They can eat live foods, but also dead creatures. They usually like to eat softened beef hearts, frozen bloodworms cubes, or earthworms. You should learn how much they can eat at each meal and only feed them what you know they can eat to prevent leftovers from irritating the water.
If you’re set on getting one amphibian of this kind, then you’re surely already thinking of a name for it. Below you will find over 400 great pet axolotl names split into different lists.
Appropriate Axolotl names
Do you simply want to give your Axolotl a name that will fit it without expressing anything else? Then try one of the names from the list below:
- Axel
- Araxie
- Coco Chanel
- Luigi
- Hera
- Cpt Jack
- Sebastien
- Atlas
- Dogga
- Axo-little
- Midnight
- Fizz
- Dwarfy
- Mushu
- Bubba
- Haku
- Wooper
- Flight
- Pete
- Fozzie
- Caspar
- Aristotle
- Ash
- Lupo
- Dusty
- Nomie
- Pokemon
- Neekap
- Holy Sock
- Midas
- Butters
- Gemini
- Matilda
- Peanut
- Ember
- Aximus
- Olive
- Toadstool
- Bubbles
- Spongebob
- Taco
- Hoover
- Bucky
- Molly
- Yellowbelly
- Kirby
- Chuckie
- Wally
- Soapy
- Stardust
- Jupiter
- Nibbler
- Shifter
- Dizzy
- Henry
- Luna
- Skullkrusha
- Tina
- Sunny
- Concrete
- Pob
- Gazoo
- Speedy
- Tuco
- Corona
- Lance
- Marvin
- Toni
- Archie
- Aragorn
- Speckles
- Fleabag
- Alice
- Jack
- Murph
- Noodle
- Dave
- Squidgy
- Pangifrane
- Malvolio
- Jello
- Bonnie
- Sanchez
- Bastante
- Sushi
- Madison
- Cale
- Muppy
- Sophie
- Pikachu
- Kreacher
- Sidewalk
- Pickles
- Phantom
- Timmy
- Bonita
- Frankie
- Milo
- Ollie
- Piggy
- Sheepnut
- Squishy
- Garbo
- Zorkki
- Smiley
- Bongo
- Ralphy
- Steve
- Beau
- Locks
- Jaxalotl
- Casper
- Daenerys
- George
- Spike
- Yoshi
- Dexter
- Skylar
- Cujo
- Bellatrix
- Toothless
- Mania
- Gibson
- Nell
Cute Axolotl names
Most people consider Axolotls to be adorable pets. If you want to get a cute name for this lovely pet, then check out the list below, which gathers over 200 cute axolotl names.
- Fish Face
- Proteus
- Sparkle
- Penny
- Freckle
- Rusty
- Pluto
- Itachi
- Alice Cooper
- Pinky
- Bandit
- El Bandito
- Dancer
- Clyde
- Slender
- Persephone
- Fritter
- Black Magic
- Nigel
- Bob
- Razzo
- Sonriente
- Chile
- Fink
- Shiney
- Florence
- Ditto
- Rusalka
- Edwin
- Groucho
- Darwin
- Stoned
- Axl Rose
- Smog
- Lumen
- Lupe
- Otto
- Alexa
- Frangipane
- Zeus
- Medusa
- Ghost
- Falcor
- Sprinkles
- Fenton
- Nachos
- Fluff
- Firebird
- Gill
- Salsa
- Fifi
- Belle
- Hector
- Freja
- Saxo
- Bitey
- Blighter
- Monster
- Xena
- Atticus
- Spot
- Hellboy
- Versace
- Mew
- Osiris
- Dobby
- Spider
- Fatboy
- Sputnik
- Burrito
- Frank
- Alex
- Karl
- Lexi
- Jaz
- Owen
- Nancy
- Chomp
- Lilo
- Lottie
- Nemo
- Blaze
- Lancelotl
- Geist
- Goldilocks
- Dash
- Puzzle
- Jewel
- Artemis
- Petrie
- Yuki
- Shirley
- Mario
- Callie
- Pepito
- Wallace
- Henge
- Sunshine
- Spyro
- Theodore
- Banana
- Crystal
- Mojo
- Calypso
- Gilly
- Naruto
- Lightning
- Ludevic
- Nacho
- Sharky
- Freddie
- Puff
- Perky
- Fonz
- Castiel
- Tupac
- Hannibal
- Poncho
- Flulaborg
- Spy
- Enzo
- Consuela
- Slash
- Mac
- Ernie
- Connie
- Cashew
- Ludwig
- Chainblade
- Wisper
- Willy
- Doodle
- Lucie
- Candy
- Aphrodite
- Fuzzy
- Arnie
- Cagney
- Carlos
- Squidward
- Ludwig
- Slimey
- Freya
- Sinbad
- Leviathan
- Scarlet
- Trixie
- Batman
- Star
- Ajax
- Snoop
- Melvin
- Snowball
- Lenny
- Erna
- Crater
- Stumpy
- Doc
- Albi
- Sam
- Ziggy
- Sphynx
- Plant
- Elizabeth
- Onion
- Homer
- Sheep Head
- Hypnos
- Aimee
- Stitch
- Folly
- Castle
- Spotl
- Finley
- Buffy
- Rooster
- Caliban
- Boo
- Nero
- Little Foot
- Mochi
- Cookie
- Sara
- Otis
- Pringles
- Jester
- Elphy
- Poseidon
- Juno
- Teabag
- Jojo
- Kitty
- Helios
- Matey
- Abraham
- Rosalind
- Toothless
- Crawler
- Pedro
- Stuffer
- Guss
- Zigg
- Reese
- Falkor
- Apollo
- Wart
- Bonnie
Funny Axolotl Names
Are you the funny guy in your gang? Did you just get an Axolotl and you want to give it a name that will make everyone laugh? Then look through our 17 funny axolotl names. You will surely find one you’ll like. They come mainly from movies, stories, and cartoons.
- Wiggle
- Rainbow
- Ariel
- John Snow
- Drago
- Slim Shady
- Ajax
- Snoop
- Flipper
- Mojo
- Speedy
- Harry Water
- Tixie
- Mermaid
- Jolly
- Flossie
- James Pond
If you’re looking for a low-maintenance exotic pet, then a pet axolotl will be great for you. It’s pretty easy to feed one and you won’t have a lot of work with it in general either. I really hope that this list will give you the inspiration you need to give your new family member a great name.
I really hope you liked going through my article and if you have chosen one of the names from above or if you have other ideas to name an Axolotl, then please leave a comment below.